zakirov timur
zakirov timur
kazan federal univercity
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Cited by
Absolute permeability calculations in micro-computed tomography models of sandstones by Navier-Stokes and lattice Boltzmann equations
T Zakirov, A Galeev
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 129, 415-426, 2019
Prediction of permeability and tortuosity in heterogeneous porous media using a disorder parameter
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Chemical Engineering Science 227, 115893, 2020
Characterization of two-phase displacement mechanisms in porous media by capillary and viscous forces estimation using the lattice Boltzmann simulations
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 184, 106575, 2020
Flow properties of sandstone and carbonate rocks by X-ray computed tomography
TR Zakirov, AA Galeev, EA Korolev, EO Statsenko
Current science, 2142-2148, 2016
Wettability effect on the invasion patterns during immiscible displacement in heterogeneous porous media under dynamic conditions: A numerical study
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 206, 109049, 2021
Effect of pore space heterogeneity on the adsorption dynamics in porous media at various convection-diffusion and reaction conditions: A lattice Boltzmann study
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 212, 110300, 2022
Calculation of filtration characteristics of porous media by their digitized images with the use of lattice Boltzmann equations
TR Zakirov, AA Galeev, EO Statsenko, LI Khaidarova
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 91, 1069-1078, 2018
Pore-scale investigation of two-phase flows in three-dimensional digital models of natural sandstones
TR Zakirov, AA Galeev, MG Khramchenkov
Fluid Dynamics 53 (5), 654-669, 2018
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of the interface dynamics during two-phase flow in porous media
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov, AA Galeev
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42, 237-256, 2021
Кислотное воздействие на многослойные нефтяные пласты
TR Zakirov, AI Nikiforov
вычислительные методы и программирование 14, 50-57, 2013
Pore-scale study of the anisotropic effect on immiscible displacement in porous media under different wetting conditions and capillary numbers
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109484, 2022
Characterization of dynamic adsorption regimes in synthetic and natural porous structures using lattice Boltzmann simulations
TR Zakirov, MA Varfolomeev, C Yuan
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 189, 14-29, 2023
Pore-scale study of dynamic adsorption of a water-soluble catalyst during drainage displacement in porous media using lattice Boltzmann simulations
TR Zakirov, AN Mikhailova, MA Varfolomeev, C Yuan
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 145, 106810, 2023
Pore-scale investigation of the displacement fluid mechanics during two-phase flows in natural porous media under the dominance of capillary forces
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
2D fractal and multifractal analysis of porous space in carbonate oil reservoir (Russian)
RI Kadyrov, TR Zakirov
Oil Industry Journal 2016 (11), 72-74, 2016
Моделирование кислотного воздействия на прискважинную зону нефтяного пласта при заводнении
ТР Закиров, АИ Никифоров
Математическое моделирование 25 (2), 53-64, 2013
Modelirovanie kislotnogo vozdeistviia na neftianye plasty pri zavodnenii [Modeling acid impact in water flooding oil reservoir]
TR Zakirov, AI Nikiforov
Oil industry, 62-65, 2012
Study of the pore space heterogeneity effect on the absolute permeability tensors calculated under different boundary conditions and driving forces using a “Computational Rock …
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 216, 110750, 2022
Representative elementary volumes for various characteristics of two-phase flows in porous media: A statistical approach
TR Zakirov, MG Khramchenkov
Geoenergy Science and Engineering 229, 212104, 2023
Methods for Studying Two-Phase Flows in Porous Media: Numerical Simulation and Experiments on Microfluidics Chips
MM Khayrullin, TR Zakirov, PA Grishin, ED Shilov, A Bukatin
SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference?, D043S020R008, 2020
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Articles 1–20