Ethem Arkin
Cited by
Cited by
Model-driven approach for supporting the mapping of parallel algorithms to parallel computing platforms
E Arkın, B Tekinerdogan, KM İmre
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 16th International …, 2013
ParDSL: a domain-specific language framework for supporting deployment of parallel algorithms
B Tekinerdogan, E Arkin
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 2907-2935, 2019
A Threat Evaluation Model for Small-Scale Naval Platforms with Limited Capability
M Çöçelli, E Arkın
Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on, 2016
Architecture Framework for Mapping Parallel Algorithms to Parallel Computing Platforms
B Tekinerdogan, E Arkin
MDHPCL@MoDELS 2013, 53-62, 2013
Domain specific language for deployment of parallel applications on parallel computing platforms
E Arkin, B Tekinerdogan
Proceedings of the 2014 European Conference on Software Architecture …, 2014
Systematic approach for deriving feasible mappings of parallel algorithms to parallel computing platforms
E Arkin, B Tekinerdogan, KM İmre
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (1), e3821, 2017
Architecture Framework for Modeling the Deployment of Parallel Applications on Parallel Computing Platforms
B Tekinerdogan, E Arkin
MODELSWARD 2015, 185-192, 2015
Architectural View Driven Model Transformations for Supporting the Lifecycle of Parallel Applications
E Arkin, B Tekinerdogan
MODELSWARD 2015, 40-49, 2015
A Category Based Threat Evaluation Model Using Platform Kinematics Data
M Çöçelli, E Arkın
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 2 (3), 1330-1341, 2017
Parallel application development using architecture view driven model transformations
E Arkın, B Tekinerdogan
Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development: Third International …, 2015
Model-Driven Transformations for Mapping Parallel Algorithms on Parallel Computing Platforms
E Arkin, B Tekinerdogan
MDHPCL@MoDELS 2013, 63-72, 2013
Deniz Platformları İçin Kinematiklere Dayalı Bayesci Tehdit Değerlendirme Modeli
M Çöçelli, E Arkın
11th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium (UYMS'17), 247-259, 2017
Savunma Uygulamalarında Denizlerde Durumsal Farkındalığın Artırılması için Görsel Analitik Kullanımı: Çanakkale Boğazında Bir Durum Çalışması
E Arkın
1st National Cloud Informatics and Big Data Symposium (B3S'17), 7-12, 2017
Model-driven product line engineering for mapping parallel algorithms to parallel computing platforms
E Arkin, B Tekinerdogan
2016 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2016
Model-driven software development for mapping of parallel algorithms to parallel computing platforms
E Arkin
Koşut Algoritmaların Koşut Hesaplama Platformlarına Atanması Için Model Güdümlü Yazılım Geliştirme
E Arkın
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
MIL-STD-1553 Veri Yolu Üzerinde Aviyonik Cihazların Emüle Edilmesi
E Arkın, Ö Köksal
Savunma Teknolojileri (SAVTEK) Konferansı 2006, 2006
Türkçe Sesbirimlerinin Sınıflandırılması İçin Bir Bulanık Sinir Ağının Tasarımı Ve Gerçekleştirilmesi
E Arkin
Hacettepe Universitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2004
Design and Implementation of an Acoustic Emission Recognition System for Cement Grinding with Neural Network
E Arkın, Ö Ünal, H Artuner
Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network (TAINN) Conference 2003, 2003
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Articles 1–19