Mohammad Moshawrab
Mohammad Moshawrab
Département de Mathématiques, Informatique et Génie, Université du Québec à Rimouski, 300 Allée des
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Cited by
Smart wearables for the detection of cardiovascular diseases: a systematic literature review
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Sensors 23 (2), 828, 2023
Reviewing federated learning aggregation algorithms; strategies, contributions, limitations and future perspectives
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Electronics 12 (10), 2287, 2023
Reviewing federated machine learning and its use in diseases prediction
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Sensors 23 (4), 2112, 2023
Smart wearables for the detection of occupational physical fatigue: A literature review
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Sensors 22 (19), 7472, 2022
Reviewing multimodal machine learning and its use in cardiovascular diseases detection
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Electronics 12 (7), 1558, 2023
Cardiovascular events prediction using artificial intelligence models and heart rate variability
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Procedia Computer Science 203, 231-238, 2022
Predicting Cardiovascular Events with Machine Learning Models and Heart Rate Variability
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Int. J. Ubiquitous Syst. Pervasive Netw.(JUSPN) 18, 49-59, 2023
Securing Federated Learning: Approaches, Mechanisms and Opportunities.
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Electronics (2079-9292) 13 (18), 2024
PolyFLAG_SVM: a Polymorphic Federated Learning Aggregation of Gradients Support Vector Machines Framework
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Procedia Computer Science 224, 139-146, 2023
Machine Learning Models to Predict Cardiovascular Events from Heart Rate Variability Data
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
2022 3rd International Conference on Human-Centric Smart Environments for …, 2022
A Maneuver in the Trade-Off Space of Federated Learning Aggregation Frameworks Secured with Polymorphic Encryption: PolyFLAM and PolyFLAP Frameworks
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
Electronics 13 (18), 3716, 2024
Detection of Occupational Fatigue in Digital Era; Parameters In Use
M Moshawrab, M Adda, A Bouzouane, H Ibrahim, A Raad
2022 3rd International Conference on Human-Centric Smart Environments for …, 2022
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Articles 1–12