Fabian Hoitz
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Cited by
The effects of systematically altered footwear features on biomechanics, injury, performance, and preference in runners of different skill level: a systematic review
F Hoitz, M Mohr, M Asmussen, WK Lam, S Nigg, B Nigg
Footwear Science 12 (3), 193-215, 2020
Exploring the effects of deep-defending vs high-press on footballers’ tactical behaviour, physical and physiological performance: A pilot study
B Low, GV Boas, L Meyer, E Lizaso, F Hoitz, N Leite, B Gonçalves
Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 24 (02), e1018171, 2018
Estimating running ground reaction forces from plantar pressure during graded running
EC Honert, F Hoitz, S Blades, SR Nigg, BM Nigg
Sensors 22 (9), 3338, 2022
Individuality decoded by running patterns: Movement characteristics that determine the uniqueness of human running
F Hoitz, V von Tscharner, J Baltich, BM Nigg
PloS one 16 (4), e0249657, 2021
Influence of running shoes on muscle activity
F Hoitz, J Vienneau, BM Nigg
PloS one 15 (10), e0239852, 2020
Identification of subject-specific responses to footwear during running
F Horst, F Hoitz, D Slijepcevic, N Schons, H Beckmann, BM Nigg, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 11284, 2023
Highlighting the present state of biomechanics in shoe research (2000–2023)
BM Nigg, S Nigg, F Hoitz, A Subramanium, J Vienneau, JW Wannop, ...
Footwear Science 15 (2), 133-143, 2023
Isolating the unique and generic movement characteristics of highly trained runners
F Hoitz, L Fraeulin, V von Tscharner, D Ohlendorf, BM Nigg, ...
Sensors 21 (21), 7145, 2021
Differences in running technique between runners with better and poorer running economy and lower and higher milage: An artificial neural network approach
B Van Hooren, R Lennartz, M Cox, F Hoitz, G Plasqui, K Meijer
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 34 (3), e14605, 2024
Layer-wise Relevance Propagation and its Applications in Running Biomechanics.
F Hoitz
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2022
Ironmen competitors exhibit unique gait patterns
F Hoitz, V von Tscharner, C Maurer, L Fraeulin, D Ohlendorf, B Nigg
Footwear Science 13 (sup1), S37-S38, 2021
Influencia de las Zapatillas para Correr sobre la Actividad Muscular
F Hoitz, J Vienneau, BM Nigg
RED: Revista de entrenamiento deportivo= Journal of Sports Training 35 (3 …, 2021
por Revista de Entrenamiento Deportivo| 28 de Ago de 2024| Artículos Influencia de las Zapatillas para Correr sobre la Actividad Muscular
F Hoitz, J Vienneau, BM Nigg
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Articles 1–13