Proscovia Nabunya
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Cited by
Applying a family-level economic strengthening intervention to improve education and health-related outcomes of school-going AIDS-orphaned children: lessons from a randomized …
FM Ssewamala, L Karimli, N Torsten, JSH Wang, CK Han, V Ilic, ...
Prevention Science 17, 134-143, 2016
Examining the relationship of social support and family cohesion on ART adherence among HIV-positive adolescents in southern Uganda: baseline findings
C Damulira, MN Mukasa, W Byansi, P Nabunya, A Kivumbi, P Namatovu, ...
Vulnerable children and youth studies 14 (2), 181-190, 2019
Strengthening universal primary education in Uganda: The potential role of an asset-based development policy
FM Ssewamala, JSH Wang, L Karimli, P Nabunya
International journal of educational development 31 (5), 472-477, 2011
Effect of savings-led economic empowerment on HIV preventive practices among orphaned adolescents in rural Uganda: results from the Suubi-Maka randomized experiment
L Jennings, FM Ssewamala, P Nabunya
AIDS care 28 (3), 273-282, 2016
Equity in adherence to antiretroviral therapy among economically vulnerable adolescents living with HIV in Uganda
LG Bermudez, L Jennings, FM Ssewamala, P Nabunya, C Mellins, ...
AIDS care 28 (sup2), 83-91, 2016
The long-term effects of a family based economic empowerment intervention (Suubi+ Adherence) on suppression of HIV viral loads among adolescents living with HIV in southern …
FM Ssewamala, D Dvalishvili, CA Mellins, EH Geng, F Makumbi, ...
PLoS One 15 (2), e0228370, 2020
The Effects of parental loss on the psychosocial wellbeing of AIDS-orphaned children living in AIDS-impacted communities: Does gender matter?
P Nabunya, FM Ssewamala
Children and youth services review 43, 131-137, 2014
Factors associated with HIV disclosure and HIV-related stigma among adolescents living with HIV in Southwestern Uganda
P Nabunya, W Byansi, O Sensoy Bahar, M McKay, FM Ssewamala, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 11, 772, 2020
The role of family financial socialization and financial management skills on youth saving behavior.
N Kagotho, P Nabunya, F Ssewamala, EN Mwangi, G Njenga
Journal of adolescence, 2017
Integrating a mentorship component in programming for care and support of AIDS-orphaned and vulnerable children: lessons from the Suubi and Bridges Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa
FM Ssewamala, P Nabunya, NM Mukasa, V Ilic, J Nattabi
Global Social Welfare 1, 9-24, 2014
Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms among high school adolescent girls in southern Uganda
P Nabunya, C Damulira, W Byansi, J Muwanga, OS Bahar, F Namuwonge, ...
BMC public health 20, 1-11, 2020
The role of family factors in antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence self-efficacy among HIV-infected adolescents in southern Uganda
P Nabunya, OS Bahar, B Chen, D Dvalishvili, C Damulira, FM Ssewamala
BMC public health 20, 1-9, 2020
Suubi+ Adherence study protocol: A family economic empowerment intervention addressing HIV treatment adherence for perinatally infected adolescents
FM Ssewamala, W Byansi, OS Bahar, P Nabunya, TB Neilands, C Mellins, ...
Contemporary clinical trials communications 16, 100463, 2019
Family Economic Strengthening and Parenting Stress Among Caregivers of AIDS-Orphaned Children: Results from a Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial in Uganda
P Nabunya, FM Ssewamala, V Ilic
Children and Youth Services Review, 2014
The impact of a family-based economic intervention on the mental health of HIV-infected adolescents in Uganda: results from Suubi+ Adherence
P Cavazos-Rehg, W Byansi, C Xu, P Nabunya, OS Bahar, J Borodovsky, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 68 (4), 742-749, 2021
Peer mentorship program on HIV/AIDS knowledge, beliefs, and prevention attitudes among orphaned adolescents: an evidence based practice
P Nabunya, FM Ssewamala, MN Mukasa, W Byansi, J Nattabi
Vulnerable children and youth studies 10 (4), 345-356, 2015
A combination intervention addressing sexual risk-taking behaviors among vulnerable women in Uganda: study protocol for a cluster randomized clinical trial
FM Ssewamala, O Sensoy Bahar, Y Tozan, P Nabunya, LJ Mayo-Wilson, ...
BMC women's health 19, 1-21, 2019
PrEP acceptability and initiation among women engaged in sex work in Uganda: Implications for HIV prevention
SS Witte, P Filippone, FM Ssewamala, P Nabunya, OS Bahar, ...
EClinicalMedicine 44, 2022
Relationship between family economic resources, psychosocial well-being, and educational preferences of AIDS-orphaned children in southern Uganda: baseline findings
FM Ssewamala, P Nabunya, V Ilic, MN Mukasa, C Ddamulira
Global Social Welfare 2, 75-86, 2015
Perceived social support and psychological wellbeing of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Southwestern Uganda
T Nyoni, P Nabunya, FM Ssewamala
Vulnerable children and youth studies 14 (4), 351-363, 2019
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Articles 1–20