Gijsbertus de With
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Dielectric properties of fine‐grained barium titanate ceramics
G Arlt, D Hennings, G De With
Journal of applied physics 58 (4), 1619-1625, 1985
The role of collagen in bone apatite formation in the presence of hydroxyapatite nucleation inhibitors
F Nudelman, K Pieterse, A George, PHH Bomans, H Friedrich, LJ Brylka, ...
Nature materials 9 (12), 1004-1009, 2010
The Initial Stages of Template-Controlled CaCO3 Formation Revealed by Cryo-TEM
EM Pouget, PHH Bomans, JACM Goos, PM Frederik, G de With, ...
Science 323 (5920), 1455-1458, 2009
Electrical conductivity of compacts of graphene, multi-wall carbon nanotubes, carbon black, and graphite powder
B Marinho, M Ghislandi, E Tkalya, CE Koning, G de With
Powder technology 221, 351-358, 2012
Ion-association complexes unite classical and non-classical theories for the biomimetic nucleation of calcium phosphate
WJEM Habraken, J Tao, LJ Brylka, H Friedrich, L Bertinetti, AS Schenk, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1507, 2013
3D printing of CNT-and graphene-based conductive polymer nanocomposites by fused deposition modeling
K Gnanasekaran, T Heijmans, S Van Bennekom, H Woldhuis, S Wijnia, ...
Applied materials today 9, 21-28, 2017
Luminescence properties of red-emitting M2Si5N8: Eu2+ (M= Ca, Sr, Ba) LED conversion phosphors
YQ Li, JEJ Van Steen, JWH Van Krevel, G Botty, ACA Delsing, FJ DiSalvo, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 417 (1-2), 273-279, 2006
Superhydrophobic films from raspberry-like particles
W Ming, D Wu, R van Benthem, G De With
Nano letters 5 (11), 2298-2301, 2005
Luminescence Properties of Eu2+-Activated Alkaline-Earth Silicon-Oxynitride MSi2O2-δN2+2/3δ (M = Ca, Sr, Ba):  A Promising Class of Novel LED …
YQ Li, ACA Delsing, G De With, HT Hintzen
Chemistry of materials 17 (12), 3242-3248, 2005
Biomimetic CaCO3 Mineralization using Designer Molecules and Interfaces
NAJM Sommerdijk, G With
Chemical reviews 108 (11), 4499-4550, 2008
Biomimetic superhydrophobic and highly oleophobic cotton textiles
HF Hoefnagels, D Wu, G De With, W Ming
Langmuir 23 (26), 13158-13163, 2007
The role of prenucleation clusters in surface-induced calcium phosphate crystallization
A Dey, PHH Bomans, FA Müller, J Will, PM Frederik, G de With, ...
Nature materials 9 (12), 1010-1014, 2010
Measuring mechanical properties of coatings: a methodology applied to nano-particle-filled sol–gel coatings on glass
J Malzbender, JMJ Den Toonder, AR Balkenende, G De With
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 36 (2-3), 47-103, 2002
P3HT/PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cells: impact of blend composition and 3D morphology on device performance
SS Van Bavel, M Bärenklau, G de With, H Hoppe, J Loos
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (9), 1458-1463, 2010
The use of surfactants for dispersing carbon nanotubes and graphene to make conductive nanocomposites
EE Tkalya, M Ghislandi, G de With, CE Koning
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 17 (4), 225-232, 2012
Preparation, microstructure and mechanical properties of dense polycrystalline hydroxy apatite
G De With, HJA Van Dijk, N Hattu, K Prijs
Journal of materials science 16, 1592-1598, 1981
Structural, elastic, thermophysical and dielectric properties of zinc aluminate (ZnAl2O4)
NJ Van der Laag, MD Snel, P Magusin, G De With
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 24 (8), 2417-2424, 2004
Relation between photoactive layer thickness, 3D morphology, and device performance in P3HT/PCBM bulk-heterojunction solar cells
S van Bavel, E Sourty, G de With, K Frolic, J Loos
Macromolecules 42 (19), 7396-7403, 2009
Nucleation and growth of monodisperse silica nanoparticles
CCMC Carcouët, MWP Van De Put, B Mezari, PCMM Magusin, J Laven, ...
Nano letters 14 (3), 1433-1438, 2014
Grinding of WC–Co hardmetals
J Hegeman, JTM De Hosson, G De With
Wear 248 (1-2), 187-196, 2001
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Articles 1–20