Karen K. Giuliano, PhD, RN, FAAN, MBA
Karen K. Giuliano, PhD, RN, FAAN, MBA
Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Co-Director, Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and
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Cited by
Utilization-focused integrative reviews in a nursing service
CB Stetler, D Morsi, S Rucki, S Broughton, B Corrigan, J Fitzgerald, ...
Applied nursing research 11 (4), 195-206, 1998
Evidence-based practice and the role of nursing leadership
CB Stetler, M Brunell, KK Giuliano, D Morsi, L Prince, V Newell-Stokes
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 28 (7/8), 45-53, 1998
The epidemiology of nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia in the United States
KK Giuliano, D Baker, B Quinn
American journal of infection control 46 (3), 322-327, 2018
Incontinence-associated dermatitis, characteristics and relationship to pressure injury: a multisite epidemiologic analysis
M Gray, KK Giuliano
Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing 45 (1), 63-67, 2018
Temperature measurement in critically ill orally intubated adults: a comparison of pulmonary artery core, tympanic, and oral methods
KK Giuliano, SS Scott, S Elliot, AJ Giuliano
Critical care medicine 27 (10), 2188-2193, 1999
Nursing case management: critical pathways to desirable outcomes
Nursing management 22 (3), 52-55, 1991
Generating new knowledge from existing data: The use of large data sets for nursing research
T Magee, SM Lee, KK Giuliano, B Munro
Nursing Research 55 (2), S50-S56, 2006
Surveillance: a strategy for improving patient safety in acute and critical care units
EA Henneman, A Gawlinski, KK Giuliano
Critical Care Nurse 32 (2), e9-e18, 2012
Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia: current nursing knowledge
KK Giuliano, J Hendricks
Aorn Journal 105 (5), 453-463, 2017
Strengthening the in-hospital chain of survival with rapid defibrillation by first responders using automated external defibrillators: training and retention issues
W Kaye, ME Mancini, KK Giuliano, N Richards, DM Nagid, CA Marler, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 25 (2), 163-168, 1995
Temperature measurement in critically ill adults: a comparison of tympanic and oral methods
KK Giuliano, AJ Giuliano, SS Scott, E MacLachlan, E Pysznik, S Elliot, ...
American Journal of Critical Care 9 (4), 254-261, 2000
Intravenous smart pumps: usability issues, intravenous medication administration error, and patient safety
KK Giuliano
Critical Care Nursing Clinics 30 (2), 215-224, 2018
New-generation pulse oximetry in the care of critically ill patients
KK Giuliano, TL Higgins
American Journal of Critical Care 14 (1), 26-37, 2005
Assessing Cognitive Ability in Research.
RY Wood, KK Giuliano, CU Bignell, WW Pritham
Journal of Gerontological Nursing 32 (4), 2006
Physiological monitoring for critically ill patients: testing a predictive model for the early detection of sepsis
KK Giuliano
American Journal of Critical Care 16 (2), 122-130, 2007
Knowledge of pulse oximetry among critical care nurses
KK Giuliano, LM Liu
Dimensions of critical care nursing 25 (1), 44-49, 2006
Nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia: A call to action: Recommendations from the National Organization to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (NOHAP) among nonventilated …
SC Munro, D Baker, KK Giuliano, SC Sullivan, J Haber, BE Jones, ...
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 42 (8), 991-996, 2021
Impact of protocol watch on compliance with the surviving sepsis campaign
KK Giuliano, M Lecardo, LA Staul
American Journal of Critical Care 20 (4), 313-321, 2011
Blood analysis at the point of care: issues in application for use in critically ill patients
KK Giuliano, ME Grant
AACN Advanced Critical Care 13 (2), 204-220, 2002
Implementation of a pet visitation program in critical care
KK Giuliano, E Bloniasz, J Bell
Critical care nurse 19, 43-50, 1999
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