Julio Rafael Gómez Sarduy (ORCID:
Julio Rafael Gómez Sarduy (ORCID:
Profesor, Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba
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Cited by
Procedure for determining induction motor efficiency working under distorted grid voltages
VS Santos, PRV Felipe, JRG Sarduy, NA Lemozy, A Jurado, EC Quispe
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 30 (1), 331-339, 2014
Estimation of induction motor efficiency in-situ under unbalanced voltages using genetic algorithms
PRV JR Gomez, EC Quispe, MA de Armas
Electrical Machines, 2008. ICEM 2008. 18th International Conference on,, 1-4, 2008
Bacterial foraging algorithm application for induction motor field efficiency estimation under unbalanced voltages
VS Santos, PV Felipe, JG Sarduy
Measurement 46 (7), 2232-2237, 2013
Temas especiales de instrumentación y control
J Gómez, R Reyes, D Guzmán del Río
Cuba: Editorial Félix Varela, 2008
Assessment criteria of the feasibility of replacement standard efficiency electric motors with high-efficiency motors
JR Gómez, V Sousa, JJC Eras, AS Gutiérrez, PR Viego, EC Quispe, ...
Energy 239, 121877, 2022
Linear and non-linear methods for prediction of peak load at University of São Paulo
JRG Sarduy, KG Di Santo, MA Saidel
Measurement 78, 187-201, 2016
Shaft power estimation in induction motor operating under unbalanced and harmonics voltages
V Sousa, PR Viego, JR Gómez, EC Quispe, M Balbis
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (5), 2309-2315, 2016
Harmonic distortion evaluation generated by PWM motor drives in electrical industrial systems
V Sousa Santos, H Hernandez Herrera, EC Quispe, PR Viego, JR Gómez
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017
A new energy performance indicator for energy management system of a wheat mill plant
JRGÃ Sarduy, PRV Felipe, YDÃ Torres, VS Santos, D Haeseldonckx
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 8 (4), 324-330, 2018
Identification of technoeconomic opportunities with the use of premium efficiency motors as alternative for developing countries
JR Gómez, EC Quispe, RP Castrillón, PR Viego
Energies 13 (20), 5411, 2020
Effects of power electronics devices on the energy quality of an administrative building
JI Silva Ortega, V Sousa Santos, PC Sarmiento Crespo, ...
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System, 2019
Bacterial foraging algorithm application for induction motor field efficiency estimation under harmonics and unbalanced voltages
VS Santos, EC Quispe, JRG Sarduy, PR Viego, N Lemozy, A Jurado, ...
2013 International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, 1108-1111, 2013
Impact of interferon‐free regimens on the glomerular filtration rate during treatment of chronic hepatitis C in a real‐life cohort
MJ Álvarez‐Ossorio, R Sarmento e Castro, R Granados, J Macias, ...
Journal of Viral Hepatitis 25 (6), 699-706, 2018
Analysis of harmonic distortion generated by PWM motor drives
V Sousa, H Hernández, EC Quispe, JR Gómez, PR Viego
2017 IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics and Power Quality Applications …, 2017
Determining cement ball mill dosage by artificial intelligence tools aimed at reducing energy consumption and environmental impact
JR Gómez Sarduy, JP Monteagudo Yanes, ME Granado Rodríguez, ...
Ingeniería e Investigación 33 (3), 49-54, 2013
Determinación de la eficiencia de los motores asincrónicos con tensiones desbalanceadas en condiciones de campo
JR Gómez
Tesis Doctoral, 2006
Estimating induction motor efficiency under no-controlled conditions in the presences of unbalanced and harmonics voltages
V Sousa, PR Viego, JR Gómez, EC Quispe, M Balbis
2015 CHILEAN Conference on electrical, electronics engineering, information …, 2015
Nueva metodología de diagnóstico de fallas en rodamientos en una máquina síncrona mediante el procesamiento de señales vibro-acústicas empleando análisis de densidad de potencia
ZY Medrano-Hurtado, C Pérez-Tello, J Gómez-Sarduy, M Vera-Pérez
Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología 17 (1), 73-85, 2016
Direct-on-line-start permanent-magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motors with ferrite magnets for driving constant loads
P Viego, V Sousa Santos, JR Gómez, EC Quispe
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020
Motores sincrónicos de reluctancia controlados con variadores de frecuencia: una aplicación para ahorrar energía
PR Viego Felipe, JR Gómez Sarduy, EC Quispe Oqueña
Ingeniería Energética 36 (1), 72-82, 2015
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Articles 1–20