Ali Al-Subhi
Ali Al-Subhi
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Molecular identification of a new phytoplasma associated with alfalfa witches'-broom in Oman
AJ Khan, S Botti, AM Al-Subhi, DE Gundersen-Rindal, AF Bertaccini
Phytopathology 92 (10), 1038-1047, 2002
Candidatus Phytoplasma omanense’, associated with witches'-broom of Cassia italica (Mill.) Spreng. in Oman
NA Al-Saady, AJ Khan, A Calari, AM Al-Subhi, A Bertaccini
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58 (2 …, 2008
A divergent isolate of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus from Oman with an associated DNAβ satellite: an evolutionary link between Asian and the Middle Eastern virus …
AJ Khan, AM Idris, NA Al-Saady, MS Al-Mahruki, AM Al-Subhi, JK Brown
Virus Genes 36, 169-176, 2008
Ceratocystis manginecans associated with a serious wilt disease of two native legume trees in Oman and Pakistan
AO Al Adawi, I Barnes, IA Khan, AM Al Subhi, AA Al Jahwari, ...
Australasian Plant Pathology 42, 179-193, 2013
Phytoplasmas in alfalfa seedlings: infected or contaminated seedling?
AJ Khan
Proceedings of 14th International Organization of Mycoplasmalogy Conference …, 2002
Ceratocystis omanensis, a new species from diseased mango trees in Oman
AM Al-Subhi, AO Al-Adawi, M Van Wyk, ML Deadman, MJ Wingfield
Mycological research 110 (2), 237-245, 2006
First Report of Witches'-Broom Disease of Sesame (Sesamum indicum) in Oman
MA Al-Sakeiti, AM Al-Subhi, NA Al-Saady, ML Deadman
Plant Disease 89 (5), 530-530, 2005
Detection, identification, and molecular characterization of the 16SrII-D phytoplasmas infecting vegetable and field crops in Oman
AM Al-Subhi, SA Hogenhout, RA Al-Yahyai, AM Al-Sadi
Plant Disease 102 (3), 576-588, 2018
Indigenous grass species with potential for maintaining rangeland and livestock feeding in Oman
A El-Kharbotly, O Mahgoub, A Al-Subhi, A Al-Halhali
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 95 (2-3), 623-627, 2003
DNA based characterization of Ceratocystis fimbriata isolates associated with mango decline in Oman
M Van Wyk, AO Al-Adawi, BD Wingfield, AM Al-Subhi, ML Deadman, ...
Australasian Plant Pathology 34, 587-590, 2005
Identification of genome regions controlling cotyledon, pod wall/seed coat and pod wall resistance to pea weevil through QTL mapping
N Aryamanesh, Y Zeng, O Byrne, DC Hardie, AM Al-Subhi, T Khan, ...
Theoretical and applied genetics 127, 489-497, 2014
History and current status of phytoplasma diseases in the Middle East
C Hemmati, M Nikooei, AM Al-Subhi, AM Al-Sadi
Biology 10 (3), 226, 2021
Classification of a new phytoplasmas subgroup 16SrII-W associated with Crotalaria witches’ broom diseases in Oman based on multigene sequence analysis
A Al-Subhi, SA Hogenhout, RA Al-Yahyai, AM Al-Sadi
BMC microbiology 17, 1-14, 2017
First report of a group 16SrII phytoplasma infecting chickpea in Oman
NA Al-Saady, AM Al-Subhi, A Al-Nabhani, AJ Khan
Plant Disease 90 (7), 973-973, 2006
First report of a group 16srii phytoplasma associated with witches'-broom of eggplant in Oman
AM Al-Subhi, NA Al-Saady, AJ Khan, ML Deadman
Plant Disease 95 (3), 360-360, 2011
Identification of phytoplasma associated with witches' broom and virescence diseases of sesame in Oman
AJ Khan, K Bottner, N Al-Saadi, AM Al-Subhi, I Lee
Bulletin of Insectology 60 (2), 133, 2007
Control of magnetization reversal and domain structure in (Co/Ni) multilayers
A Al Subhi, R Sbiaa
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 489, 165460, 2019
Molecular characterization of Begomovirus infecting sweet pepper in Oman
AJ Khan, NA Al-Saady, MS Al-Mahruki, M Al-Oufi, AM Al-Subhi
CSIR, 2007
Molecular characterization of the 16S rRNA gene of phytoplasmas detected in two leafhopper species associated with alfalfa plants infected with witches' broom in Oman
A Khan, S Botti, AM Al-Subhi, A Bertaccini, I Altosaar, A Alma, MA Zaidi
Phytopathologia mediterranea. DECEMBER, 2003, 1000-1011, 2003
First report of alfalfa witches broom disease in Oman caused by a phytoplasma of the 16Sr II group
AJ Khan, KM Azam, ML Deadman, AM Al-Subhi, P Jones
Plant Disease 85 (12), 1287-1287, 2001
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Articles 1–20