Jesus Aransay
Jesus Aransay
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Cited by
A mechanized proof of the Basic Perturbation Lemma
J Aransay, C Ballarin, J Rubio
Journal of Automated Reasoning 40 (4), 271-292, 2008
Formalisation of the computation of the echelon form of a matrix in Isabelle/HOL
J Aransay, J Divasón
Formal Aspects of Computing 28, 1005-1026, 2016
Formalisation in higher-order logic and code generation to functional languages of the Gauss-Jordan algorithm
J Aransay, J Divason
Journal of Functional Programming 25, e9, 2015
Generating certified code from formal proofs: a case study in homological algebra
J Aransay, C Ballarin, J Rubio
Formal Aspects of Computing 22 (2), 193-213, 2010
Formalization and execution of Linear Algebra: from theorems to algorithms
J Aransay, J Divasón
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 23rd International …, 2014
A formalisation in HOL of the fundamental theorem of linear algebra and its application to the solution of the least squares problem
J Aransay, J Divasón
Journal of Automated Reasoning 58 (4), 509-535, 2017
Four approaches to automated reasoning with differential algebraic structures
J Aransay, C Ballarin, J Rubio
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation: 7th International …, 2004
Enseñanza de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) en estudios de grado y posgrado en la Universidad de La Rioja: principios teóricos y ejercicios prácticos
MS Andrades Rodríguez, JM Aransay Azofra, MP Diago Santamaría, ...
Generalizing a mathematical analysis library in Isabelle/HOL
J Aransay, J Divasón
NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 415-421, 2015
Towards a higher reasoning level in formalized Homological Algebra
J Aransay½, C Ballarin¾, J Rubio½
CALCULEMUS-2003, 84, 2003
The Isabelle/HOL Algebra Library
J Aransay, C Ballarin, M Baillon, PE de Vilhena, S Hohe, F Kammüller, ...
Technical report, Isabelle Library, University of Cambridge Computer …, 2019
Gauss-Jordan algorithm and its applications
J Divasón, J Aransay
Archive of Formal Proofs, 2014
A report on an experiment in porting formal theories from Isabelle/HOL to Ecore and ACL2
J Aransay, J Divasón, J Heras, L Lambán, P Pascual, AL Rubio, J Rubio
Technical report, 2012. http://wiki. portal. chalmers. se/cse/uploads …, 2012
Modelling differential structures in proof assistants: the graded case
J Aransay, C Domínguez
International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, 203-210, 2009
Extracting computer algebra programs from statements
J Aransay, C Ballarin, J Rubio
Computer Aided Systems Theory–EUROCAST 2005: 10th International Conference …, 2005
QR Decomposition. Archive of Formal Proofs, 2015
J Divasón, J Aransay
Análisis del uso de datos geográficos y sistemas de información geográfica en las enseñanzas de grado y master de una universidad
MS Andrades, J Aransay, JÁ Llorente, MP Diago, E Sáenz de Cabezón, ...
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2018
Rank-nullity theorem in linear algebra
J Divasón, J Aransay
Archive of Formal Proofs, 2013
Performance Analysis of a Verified Linear Algebra Program in SML
J ús Aransay, J Divasón
GitHub y Google Colaboratory para el desarrollo, comunicación y gestión de prácticas en los laboratorios de informática
J Aransay, Á Casado-García, C Domínguez, M García-Domínguez, ...
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2022
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Articles 1–20