Dr. Jens Krueger
Dr. Jens Krueger
NEWWORK Software
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A survey of general‐purpose computation on graphics hardware
JD Owens, D Luebke, N Govindaraju, M Harris, J Krüger, AE Lefohn, ...
Computer graphics forum 26 (1), 80-113, 2007
Acceleration techniques for GPU-based volume rendering
J Kruger, R Westermann
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 287-292, 2003
Linear algebra operators for GPU implementation of numerical algorithms
J Krüger, R Westermann
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, 234-es, 2005
Hyrise: a main memory hybrid storage engine
M Grund, J Krüger, H Plattner, A Zeier, P Cudre-Mauroux, S Madden
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (2), 105-116, 2010
A particle system for interactive visualization of 3D flows
J Kruger, P Kipfer, P Konclratieva, R Westermann
IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer graphics 11 (6), 744-756, 2005
Clearview: An interactive context preserving hotspot visualization technique
J Kruger, J Schneider, R Westermann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (5), 941-948, 2006
Fast updates on read-optimized databases using multi-core CPUs
J Krueger, C Kim, M Grund, N Satish, D Schwalb, J Chhugani, H Plattner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.6885, 2011
State of the art in transfer functions for direct volume rendering
P Ljung, J Krüger, E Groller, M Hadwiger, CD Hansen, A Ynnerman
Computer graphics forum 35 (3), 669-691, 2016
Oracle TimesTen: An In-Memory Database for Enterprise Applications.
T Lahiri, MA Neimat, S Folkman
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 36 (2), 6-13, 2013
User, use & utility research: the digital user as new design perspective in business and information systems engineering
W Brenner, D Karagiannis, L Kolbe, J Krüger, L Leifer, HJ Lamberti, ...
Wirtschaftsinformatik 56, 65-72, 2014
APL@ Voro: a Voronoi-based membrane analysis tool for GROMACS trajectories
G Lukat, J Krüger, B Sommer
Journal of chemical information and modeling 53 (11), 2908-2925, 2013
GPU Ray-Casting for Scalable Terrain Rendering.
C Dick, JH Krüger, R Westermann
Eurographics (Areas Papers), 43-50, 2009
ETL-less zero-redundancy system and method for reporting OLTP data
H Plattner, A Bog, J Schaffner, J Krueger, A Zeier
US Patent 9,626,421, 2017
Aggregate query-caching in databases architectures with a differential buffer and a main store
H Plattner, S Mueller, J Krueger, J Mueller, C Schwarz
US Patent 9,740,741, 2017
Large data visualization on distributed memory multi-GPU clusters.
T Fogal, H Childs, S Shankar, JH Krüger, RD Bergeron, PJ Hatcher
High Performance Graphics 3, 57-66, 2010
The MoSGrid science gateway–a complete solution for molecular simulations
J Krüger, R Grunzke, S Gesing, S Breuers, A Brinkmann, L de la Garza, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10 (6), 2232-2245, 2014
Tuvok, an Architecture for Large Scale Volume Rendering.
T Fogal, JH Krüger
VMV 10, 139-146, 2010
Energy-efficient computing for extreme-scale science
D Donofrio, L Oliker, J Shalf, MF Wehner, C Rowen, J Krueger, S Kamil, ...
Computer 42 (11), 62-71, 2009
Structural stability of V-amylose helices in water-DMSO mixtures analyzed by molecular dynamics
M Tusch, J Krüger, G Fels
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 7 (9), 2919-2928, 2011
Multiple-core computer processor for reverse time migration
J Shalf, D Donofrio, L Oliker, J Kruger, S Williams
US Patent 10,078,593, 2018
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Articles 1–20