Kursat Cagiltay
Kursat Cagiltay
Professor, Sabanci University, Istanbul Turkey
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Cited by
Seven principles of effective teaching: A practical lens for evaluating online courses
C Graham, K Cagiltay, BR Lim, J Craner, TM Duffy
The technology source 30 (5), 50, 2001
A systematic review of eye tracking research on multimedia learning
E Alemdag, K Cagiltay
Computers & Education 125, 413-428, 2018
Öğretimde bilgisayar kullanımına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri
K Çağıltay, J Çakıroğlu, N Çağıltay, E Çakıroğlu
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (21), 2001
Challenges faced by adult learners in online distance education: A literature review
M Kara, F Erdogdu, M Kokoç, K Cagiltay
Open Praxis 11 (1), 5-22, 2019
Flow experiences of children in an interactive social game environment
Y Inal, K Cagiltay
British journal of educational technology 38 (3), 455-464, 2007
Why does signaling enhance multimedia learning? Evidence from eye movements
E Ozcelik, I Arslan-Ari, K Cagiltay
Computers in human behavior 26 (1), 110-117, 2010
An eye-tracking study of how color coding affects multimedia learning
E Ozcelik, T Karakus, E Kursun, K Cagiltay
Computers & Education 53 (2), 445-453, 2009
Türkiye ve Avrupa’daki Çocukların İnternet Alışkanlıkları ve Güvenli İnternet Kullanımı
K Duygu, Ç Kürşat, K Türkan, K Engin, O Christine
Eğitim ve Bilim 39 (171), 230-243, 2014
Mobile assisted language learning: English pronunciation at learners' fingertips
M Saran, G Seferoglu, K Cagıltay, CTYD Öğrenme, İTÖP Ucunda
Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 34, 97-114, 2009
İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi ve kullanılabilirlik mühendisliği: Teoriden pratiğe
K Çağıltay
Seçkin, 2018
User-Centered Design and Development
EO Baek, K Cagiltay, E Boling, T Frick
Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, 3 …, 2007
Öğrencilerin eğitsel bilgisayar oyunu kullanımına ilişkin görüşleri: Sosyal bilgiler dersi örneği
A Bakar, H Tüzün, K Çağıltay
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 35 (35), 27-37, 2008
Turkish prospective teachers' perceptions regarding the use of computer games with educational features
G Can, K Cagiltay
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 9 (1), 308-321, 2006
Key instructional design issues in a cellular phone-based mobile learning project
N Gedik, A Hanci-Karademirci, E Kursun, K Cagiltay
Computers & Education 58 (4), 1149-1159, 2012
Teaching in a web based distance learning environment
C Graham, K Cagiltay, J Craner, BR Lim, TM Duffy
Center for Research on Learning and Technology Technical Report, 13-00, 2000
A descriptive study of Turkish high school students’ game-playing characteristics and their considerations concerning the effects of games
T Karakus, Y Inal, K Cagiltay
Computers in Human Behavior 24 (6), 2520-2529, 2008
Üniversite öğrencilerinin bilgisayar oyunu oynama alışkanlıkları ve oyun tercihleri: ODTÜ ve gazi üniversitesi öğrencileri arasında karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma
P Durdu, A Tüfekçi, K Çağıltay
Eurasion Journal of Educational Research 19, 66-76, 2005
Türkiye’de eğitim teknolojileri alanında yapılan master ve doktora tezlerinde genel eğilimler
FU Erdoğmuş, K Çağıltay
Akademik Bilişim Konferansı’nda sunulmuş bildiri. Harran Üniversitesi, Şanlıurfa, 2009
Use of mobile phones in language learning: Developing effective instructional materials
M Saran, K Cagiltay, G Seferoglu
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous …, 2008
Studying computer game learning experience through eye tracking.
S Alkan, K Cagiltay
British Journal of Educational Technology 38 (3), 2007
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Articles 1–20