Cited by
Cited by
Tranfer function amplitude minimization for structures with tuned mass dampers considering soil-structure interaction
G Bekdaş, AE Kayabekir, SM Nigdeli, YC Toklu
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 116, 552-562, 2019
Optimum design of PID controlled active tuned mass damper via modified harmony search
AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, ZW Geem
Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2976, 2020
A comprehensive review of the flower pollination algorithm for solving engineering problems
AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, XS Yang
Nature-inspired algorithms and applied optimization, 171-188, 2018
Eco-friendly design of reinforced concrete retaining walls: Multi-objective optimization with harmony search applications
AE Kayabekir, ZA Arama, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, ZW Geem
Sustainability 12 (15), 6087, 2020
A novel hybrid harmony search approach for the analysis of plane stress systems via total potential optimization
AE Kayabekir, YC Toklu, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, M Yücel, ZW Geem
Applied Sciences 10 (7), 2301, 2020
Optimization in civil engineering and metaheuristic algorithms: a review of state-of-the-art developments
G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, AE Kayabekir, XS Yang
Computational intelligence, optimization and inverse problems with …, 2018
A hybrid metaheuristic method for optimization of active tuned mass dampers
AE Kayabekir, SM Nigdeli, G Bekdaş
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 37 (8), 1027-1043, 2022
Optimal design of cantilever soldier pile retaining walls embedded in frictional soils with harmony search algorithm
G Bekdaş, ZA Arama, AE Kayabekir, ZW Geem
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3232, 2020
Adaptive-hybrid harmony search algorithm for multi-constrained optimum eco-design of reinforced concrete retaining walls
M Yücel, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, S Kim, ZW Geem
Sustainability 13 (4), 1639, 2021
An artificial intelligence-based prediction model for optimum design variables of reinforced concrete retaining walls
M Yücel, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, AE Kayabekir
International Journal of Geomechanics 21 (12), 04021244, 2021
Current trends in the optimization approaches for optimal structural control
MF Farzam, HH Jalali, SAM Gavgani, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş
Advances in structural engineering—Optimization: emerging trends in …, 2020
Advanced energy‐based analyses of trusses employing hybrid metaheuristics
G Bekdaş, AE Kayabekir, SM Nigdeli, YC Toklu
The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 28 (9), e1609, 2019
CO2 and Cost Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Soldier Piles: A Parametric Study with Harmony Search Algorithm
ZA Arama, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, ZW Geem
Sustainability 12 (15), 5906, 2020
Yapay Zeka Optimizasyon Algoritmaları ve Mühendislik Uygulamaları
G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, M Yücel, AE Kayabekir
Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2021
The usage of the harmony search algorithm for the optimal design problem of reinforced concrete retaining walls
ZA Arama, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, S Kim, ZW Geem
Applied Sciences 11 (3), 1343, 2021
Optimum design of reinforced concrete multi-story multi-span frame structures under static loads
S Ulusoy, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli
Int. J. Eng. Technol 10 (5), 403-407, 2018
Analysis of plane-stress systems via total potential optimization method considering nonlinear behavior
YC Toklu, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Nigdeli, M Yücel
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (11), 04020249, 2020
Metaheuristic algorithms in optimum design of reinforced concrete beam by investigating strength of concrete
S Ulusoy, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş, SM Niğdeli
Total potential optimization using metaheuristic algorithms for solving nonlinear plane strain systems
YC Toklu, G Bekdaş, M Yücel, SM Nigdeli, AE Kayabekir, S Kim, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 3220, 2021
Optimization and artificial neural network models for reinforced concrete members
M Yücel, SM Nigdeli, AE Kayabekir, G Bekdaş
Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms for engineering optimization …, 2021
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Articles 1–20