Ivan Naumov
Ivan Naumov
Research Scientist, Howard University
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Unusual phase transitions in ferroelectric nanodisks and nanorods
II Naumov, L Bellaiche, H Fu
Nature 432 (7018), 737-740, 2004
Potential high-Tc superconducting lanthanum and yttrium hydrides at high pressure
H Liu, II Naumov, R Hoffmann, NW Ashcroft, RJ Hemley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (27), 6990-6995, 2017
Gold nanofingers for molecule trapping and detection
M Hu, FS Ou, W Wu, I Naumov, X Li, AM Bratkovsky, RS Williams, Z Li
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (37), 12820-12822, 2010
Vortex polarization states in nanoscale ferroelectric arrays
BJ Rodriguez, XS Gao, LF Liu, W Lee, II Naumov, AM Bratkovsky, ...
Nano letters 9 (3), 1127-1131, 2009
Atomistic treatment of depolarizing energy and field in ferroelectric nanostructures
I Ponomareva, II Naumov, I Kornev, H Fu, L Bellaiche
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (14), 140102, 2005
Low-dimensional ferroelectrics under different electrical and mechanical boundary conditions: Atomistic simulations
I Ponomareva, II Naumov, L Bellaiche
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (21), 214118, 2005
Delay law and new class of materials and implants in medicine
VE Gunther, GT Dambaev, PG Sysolyatin, RV Ziganshin, NV Kornilov, ...
STT, 2000
Controlling Toroidal Moment by Means of an Inhomogeneous Static Field: An Ab Initio Study
S Prosandeev, I Ponomareva, I Kornev, I Naumov, L Bellaiche
Physical review letters 96 (23), 237601, 2006
Electric-field-induced domain evolution in ferroelectric ultrathin films
BK Lai, I Ponomareva, II Naumov, I Kornev, H Fu, L Bellaiche, GJ Salamo
Physical review letters 96 (13), 137602, 2006
Original properties of dipole vortices in zero-dimensional ferroelectrics
S Prosandeev, I Ponomareva, I Naumov, I Kornev, L Bellaiche
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (19), 193201, 2008
Unusual Flexoelectric Effect in Two-Dimensional Noncentrosymmetric -Bonded Crystals
I Naumov, AM Bratkovsky, V Ranjan
Physical review letters 102 (21), 217601, 2009
Dynamics and superconductivity in compressed lanthanum superhydride
H Liu, II Naumov, ZM Geballe, M Somayazulu, JS Tse, RJ Hemley
Physical Review B 98 (10), 100102, 2018
Unusual polarization patterns in flat epitaxial ferroelectric nanoparticles
I Naumov, AM Bratkovsky
Physical review letters 101 (10), 107601, 2008
Gap opening in graphene by simple periodic inhomogeneous strain
II Naumov, AM Bratkovsky
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (24), 245444, 2011
Fermi surface nesting and pre-martensitic softening in V and Nb at high pressures
A Landa, J Klepeis, P Söderlind, I Naumov, O Velikokhatnyi, L Vitos, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (22), 5079, 2006
Vortex-to-Polarization Phase Transformation Path in Ferroelectric Nanoparticles
I Naumov, H Fu
Physical review letters 98 (7), 077603, 2007
Electronic structure and instability of Ni2MnGa
OI Velikokhatnyi, II Naumov
Physics of the Solid State 41, 617-623, 1999
Crystal Structure and Superconductivity of PH3 at High Pressures
H Liu, Y Li, G Gao, JS Tse, II Naumov
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (6), 3458-3461, 2016
Singularities of the electronic structure and pre-martensitic anomalies of lattice properties in β-phases of metals and alloys
MI Katsnelson, II Naumov, AV Trefilov
Phase transitions 49 (1-3), 143-191, 1994
Spontaneous polarization in one-dimensional Pb (ZrTi) O 3 nanowires
II Naumov, H Fu
Physical review letters 95 (24), 247602, 2005
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Articles 1–20