Hideaki Kim
Hideaki Kim
NTT Corporation
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Cited by
Relating neuronal firing patterns to functional differentiation of cerebral cortex
S Shinomoto, H Kim, T Shimokawa, N Matsuno, S Funahashi, K Shima, ...
PLoS computational biology 5 (7), e1000433, 2009
Elemental spiking neuron model for reproducing diverse firing patterns and predicting precise firing times
S Yamauchi, H Kim, S Shinomoto
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 5, 42, 2011
Estimating nonstationary input signals from a single neuronal spike train
H Kim, S Shinomoto
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012
Tracking temporal dynamics of purchase decisions via hierarchical time-rescaling model
H Kim, N Takaya, H Sawada
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on …, 2014
Estimating nonstationary inputs from a single spike train based on a neuron model with adaptation
H Kim, S Shinomoto
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 11 (1), 49-62, 2013
Online traffic flow prediction using convolved bilinear poisson regression
M Okawa, H Kim, H Toda
2017 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 134-143, 2017
Read the Silence: Well-Timed Recommendation via Admixture Marked Point Processes
H Kim, T Iwata, Y Fujiwara, N Ueda
Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17), http …, 2017
Integrated optimization of bipartite matching and its stochastic behavior: New formulation and approximation algorithm via min-cost flow optimization
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, H Kim, M Kohjima, T Kurashima, H Toda
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (5), 3796-3805, 2021
Neurons as ideal change-point detectors
H Kim, BJ Richmond, S Shinomoto
Journal of computational neuroscience 32, 137-146, 2012
Online Matching with Controllable Rewards and Arrival Probabilities
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, N Marumo, H Kim
Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2022
Fast Bayesian inference for Gaussian Cox processes via path integral formulation
H Kim
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 26130-26142, 2021
Scaling locally linear embedding
Y Fujiwara, N Marumo, M Blondel, K Takeuchi, H Kim, T Iwata, N Ueda
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
Fast Bayesian estimation of point process intensity as function of covariates
H Kim, T Asami, H Toda
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 25711-25724, 2022
An improved approximation algorithm for wage determination and online task allocation in crowd-sourcing
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, H Kim, T Asami
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (4), 3977-3986, 2023
Survival permanental processes for survival analysis with time-varying covariates
H Kim
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2023
Optimization of maintenance by failure prediction considering instantaneous and cumulative effects of external environments
K Kanetani, M Yamazaki, T Babasaki, H Kim, T Matsubayashi
2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018-ECCE Asia …, 2018
Analyzing Temporal Dynamics of Consumer's Behavior Based on Hierarchical Time-Rescaling
H Kim, N Takaya, H Sawada
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 100 (4), 693-703, 2017
Non-approximate inference for collective graphical models on path graphs via discrete difference of convex algorithm
Y Akagi, N Marumo, H Kim, T Kurashima, H Toda
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 25812-25823, 2021
SVD-Based Screening for the Graphical Lasso.
Y Fujiwara, N Marumo, M Blondel, K Takeuchi, H Kim, T Iwata, N Ueda
IJCAI, 1682-1688, 2017
MAP inference algorithms without approximation for collective graphical models on path graphs via discrete difference of convex algorithm
Y Akagi, N Marumo, H Kim, T Kurashima, H Toda
Machine Learning 112 (1), 99-129, 2023
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Articles 1–20