Rukmi Sari Hartati
Rukmi Sari Hartati
Profesor Teknik Elektro, Udayana University
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Penerapan Metode Prototype dalam Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Karyawan Berbasis Website pada Berlian Agency
NR Dewi, RS Hartati, Y Divayana
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro 20 (1), 147, 2021
Diagnosa tumor otak berdasarkan citra MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
I Suta, RS Hartati, Y Divayana
Maj. Ilm. Teknol. Elektro 18 (2), 149-154, 2019
Comparison four kernels of svr to predict consumer price index
MF Rohmah, I Putra, RS Hartati, L Ardiantoro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1737 (1), 012018, 2021
Optimal active power flow solutions using a modified Hopfield neural network
RS Hartati, ME El-Hawary
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2001. Conference …, 2001
Penentuan Angka Keluar Peralatan Untuk Evaluasi Keandalan Sistem Distribusi Tenaga Listrik
RS Hartati, IW Sukerayasa, IN Setiawan, WG Ariastina
Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, 2007
Monitoring System Kecepatan dan Arah Angin Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) Menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3
M Fernando, L Jasa, RS Hartati
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro 21 (1), 135-142, 2022
Studi literatur perkembangan green building di Indonesia
KB Widiarsa, INS Kumara, RS Hartati
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 8 (2), 37-47, 2021
Rancang Bangun Sistem Control Air Conditioning Automatis Berbasis Passive Infrared Receiver
I Desnanjaya, IAD Giriantri, RS Hartati
Prosiding Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information …, 2013
Introducing TAMEx model for availability of e-exam in wireless environment
G Sukadarmika, RS Hartati, NP Sastra
2018 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology …, 2018
Color image segmentation using kohonen self-organizing map (som)
IK Ariana, RS Hartati, I Putra, NKA Wirdiani
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 6 (2), 865-871, 2014
A summary of applications of Hopfield neural network to economic load dispatch
RS Hartati, ME El-Hawary
2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conference …, 2000
Analisis Penentuan Setting Distance Relay Penghantar Sutt 150 Kv Gis Pesanggaran–Gi Pemecutan Kelod
K Hidayatullah, RS Hartati, IW Sukerayasa
Jurnal SPEKTRUM Vol 6 (1), 2019
Analisis Penyambungan Distributed Generation Guna Meminimalkan Rugi-Rugi Daya Menggunakan Metode Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
RF Margeritha, RS Hartati, NPS Utama
Maj. Ilm. Teknol. Elektro 16 (3), 122, 2017
Studi Pemanfaatan Catu Daya Hibrida PLTS 3, 7 kWp dan PLN Pada Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Desa Pemecutan Kaja Denpasar Bali
PAR Arimbawa, INS Kumara, RS Hartati
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro 15 (2), 33-38, 2016
Audit Sistem Informasi E-Kinerja Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Denpasar
I Putra, RS Hartati, Y Divayana
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro 19 (1), 107, 2020
Analisa Keandalan Sistem Distribusi Penyulang Kampus Dengan Menggunakan Penggabungan Metode Section Tecknique Dan Ria
GPB Arigandi, RS Hartati, AI Weking
Teknologi Elektro 14 (2), 2015
Pendekatan Diagnostik Berbasis Extreme Learning Machine dengan Kernel Linear untuk Mengklasifikasi Kelainan Paru-Paru
PP Winangun, IMO Widyantara, RS Hartati
Maj. Ilm. Teknol. Elektro 19 (1), 83, 2020
New approach for solving optimization problems in economic load dispatch using hopfield neural networks
RS Hartati, ME El-Hawary
2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Conference …, 2000
Komnet: Face image dataset from various media for face recognition
INGA Astawa, IKGD Putra, M Sudarma, RS Hartati
Data in brief 31, 105677, 2020
Boundary Value Analysis Testing Techniques on Learning Management System Applications
IPA Prayudha, RS Hartani, Y Divayana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology 4 (2), 31, 2020
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Articles 1–20