Benedikt Graf
Cited by
Cited by
The relationship between information characteristics and information overload at the workplace-a meta-analysis
B Graf, CH Antoni
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (1), 143-158, 2021
Drowning in the flood of information: a meta-analysis on the relation between information overload, behaviour, experience, and health and moderating factors
B Graf, CH Antoni
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 32 (2), 173-198, 2023
How can we avoid information overload and techno-frustration as a virtual team? The effect of shared mental models of information and communication technology on information …
R Müller, D Schischke, B Graf, CH Antoni
Computers in Human Behavior 138, 107438, 2023
Fire, Crime, and Injury (FCI). An agent-based simulation and experimentation platform for socio-digital team analysis
IJ Timm, L Reuter, JO Berndt, R Müller, CH Antoni, T Ellwart, B Graf
Open Science Framework, 2022
Effects of automated communication on team members’ activity and social presence awareness, commitment, and motivation in human-autonomy teams
B Graf, CH Antoni, R Müller, D Schischke, T Ellwart
Computers in Human Behavior 149, 107925, 2023
How software agents can help to coordinate emergency response teams: adaptive team performance comparing manual and automated team communication
R Müller, B Graf, T Ellwart, CH Antoni
Journal of Business and Psychology 38 (5), 1121-1137, 2023
A SSIM-Based Approach to Psychosocial Risk Assessment and Interventions
S Eberz, B Graf, CH Antoni
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 2022
A meta-analysis on the relation between information overload, behavior, and experience.
B Graf, CH Antoni
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 14954, 2021
Effects of Transition Phases in Human-AI Teams on Team Effectiveness
R Müller, R Rico, CH Antoni, B Graf
OSF, 2024
Looking at the Past, Present, and Future of Information Overload Research - Empirical Foundation of a Theoretical Model of Information Overload [DISSERTATION]
B Graf
University of Trier, 2023
Human Performance Consequences of Different Levels of Automation, Agent Autonomy and Control in Human-Agent Teams.
CH Antoni, T Ellwart, B Graf, L Reuter, JO Berndt, IJ Timm, R Müller
OSF, 2023
Is it Me or is it Us? The Effect of Different Levels of Autonomy on the Perception of Being a Team in Human-Agent Collaboration
R Müller, T Ellwart, B Graf, CH Antoni
OSF, 2022
Game Changing Ideas für Gefährdungsanalysen psychischer Belastungen
S Eberz, B Graf, M Hünting
Effects of Meta-Knowledge on Team Adaptive Performance Comparing Manual and Automated Communication
R Müller, CH Antoni, T Ellwart, B Graf
Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 16998, 2022
More or Less? Effects of Different Levels of Automation of a Software Agent on Information Overload, Workload, and Stress Perceptions
B Graf, R Müller, T Ellwart, CH Antoni
Effects of Different Levels of Automation of a Software Agent on Information …, 0
Sounds Great, Doesn't Work-an Experimental Study of the Dynamic Development of Trust in Digital Systems Under Inconsistent Information About Developer Reputation and System Errors
B Graf
Doesn't Work-an Experimental Study of the Dynamic Development of Trust in …, 0
Is it Me or is it Us–Effect of Agent Autonomy on Perceptions as a Team
R Müller, B Graf, T Ellwart, CH Antoni
Available at SSRN 5019220, 0
Die Bedeutung von Rollen-und Aufgabenwissen für Vertrauen in und Erwartungen an KI-gesteuerte Teammitglieder
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Articles 1–18