Gary Zenitsky
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Cited by
Manganese-induced neurotoxicity: new insights into the triad of protein misfolding, mitochondrial impairment, and neuroinflammation
DS Harischandra, S Ghaisas, G Zenitsky, H Jin, A Kanthasamy, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 654, 2019
Manganese promotes the aggregation and prion-like cell-to-cell exosomal transmission of α-synuclein
DS Harischandra, D Rokad, ML Neal, S Ghaisas, S Manne, S Sarkar, ...
Science signaling 12 (572), eaau4543, 2019
Manganese exposure induces neuroinflammation by impairing mitochondrial dynamics in astrocytes
S Sarkar, E Malovic, DS Harischandra, HA Ngwa, A Ghosh, C Hogan, ...
Neurotoxicology 64, 204-218, 2018
The cerebellum and eye-blink conditioning: learning versus network performance hypotheses
V Bracha, S Zbarska, K Parker, A Carrel, G Zenitsky, JR Bloedel
Neuroscience 162 (3), 787-796, 2009
Impact of environmental risk factors on mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation, protein misfolding, and oxidative stress in the etiopathogenesis of parkinson’s disease
M Huang, A Bargues-Carot, Z Riaz, H Wickham, G Zenitsky, H Jin, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 23 (18), 10808, 2022
Lasting retinal injury in a mouse model of blast-induced trauma
N Mammadova, S Ghaisas, G Zenitsky, DS Sakaguchi, AG Kanthasamy, ...
The American Journal of Pathology 187 (7), 1459-1472, 2017
Mechanistic insights into gut microbiome dysbiosis-mediated neuroimmune dysregulation and protein misfolding and clearance in the pathogenesis of chronic neurodegenerative …
P Padhi, C Worth, G Zenitsky, H Jin, K Sambamurti, V Anantharam, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 16, 836605, 2022
Mitochondrial dysfunction–induced H3K27 hyperacetylation perturbs enhancers in Parkinson’s disease
M Huang, D Lou, A Charli, D Kong, H Jin, G Zenitsky, V Anantharam, ...
JCI insight 6 (17), 2021
Utilization of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system to dissect neuroinflammatory and neuropharmacological mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease
J Luo, P Padhi, H Jin, V Anantharam, G Zenitsky, Q Wang, AA Willette, ...
Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 14, 595-607, 2019
Rapid and refined CD11b magnetic isolation of primary microglia with enhanced purity and versatility
S Sarkar, E Malovic, B Plante, G Zenitsky, H Jin, V Anantharam, ...
Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove, 55364, 2017
PKC delta activation promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) and NLR family pyrin domain-containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome activation subsequent to asynuclein-induced …
M Samidurai, BN Palanisamy, A Bargues-Carot, M Hepker, N Kondru, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13, 661505, 2021
Video recording system for the measurement of eyelid movements during classical conditioning of the eyeblink response in the rabbit
V Bracha, W Nilaweera, G Zenitsky, K Irwin
Journal of neuroscience methods 125 (1-2), 173-181, 2003
Chronic Manganese Exposure and the Enteric Nervous System: An in Vitro and Mouse in Vivo Study
S Ghaisas, DS Harischandra, B Palanisamy, A Proctor, H Jin, S Dutta, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 129 (8), 087005, 2021
Environmental neurotoxic pesticide exposure induces gut inflammation and enteric neuronal degeneration by impairing enteric glial mitochondrial function in pesticide models of …
BN Palanisamy, S Sarkar, E Malovic, M Samidurai, A Charli, G Zenitsky, ...
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 147, 106225, 2022
Tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) enhances activation of STAT3/NLRC4 inflammasome signaling axis through PKCδ in astrocytes: implications for …
M Samidurai, P Tarale, C Janarthanam, CG Estrada, R Gordon, ...
Cells 9 (8), 1831, 2020
Does nonrandom nest placement imply nonrandom nest predation?: a reply
RJ Cooper, RR Wilson, GD Zenitsky, SJ Mullin, JA DeCecco, MR Marshall, ...
The Condor 101 (4), 920-923, 1999
Home ranges of rat snakes (Colubridae: Elaphe) in different habitats
SJ Mullin, WHN Gutzke, GD Zenitsky, RJ Cooper
Inactivation of cerebellar output axons impairs acquisition of conditioned eyeblinks
WU Nilaweera, GD Zenitsky, V Bracha
Brain research 1122 (1), 143-153, 2006
Inactivation of the brachium conjunctivum prevents extinction of classically conditioned eyeblinks
WU Nilaweera, GD Zenitsky, V Bracha
Brain research 1045 (1-2), 175-184, 2005
Growth and behavior of redhead ducklings implanted with dummy radio transmitters
GD Zenitsky
Iowa State University, 1993
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Articles 1–20