Joseph Ganey
Joseph Ganey
US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, retired
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Design and implementation of monitoring studies to evaluate the success of ecological restoration on wildlife
WM Block, AB Franklin, JP Ward Jr, JL Ganey, GC White
Restoration ecology 9 (3), 293-303, 2001
Tree mortality in drought-stressed mixed-conifer and ponderosa pine forests, Arizona, USA
JL Ganey, SC Vojta
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (1), 162-168, 2011
Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality
E Batllori, F Lloret, T Aakala, WRL Anderegg, E Aynekulu, DP Bendixsen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (47), 29720-29729, 2020
A comparison of two techniques for measuring canopy closure.
JL Ganey, WM Block
Calling behavior of spotted owls in northern Arizona
JL Ganey
The Condor 92 (2), 485-490, 1990
Snag density and composition of snag populations on two National Forests in northern Arizona
JL Ganey
Forest Ecology and Management 117 (1-3), 169-178, 1999
Dispersal movements and survival rates of juvenile Mexican Spotted Owls in northern Arizona
JL Ganey, WM Block, JK Dwyer, BE Strohmeyer, JS Jenness
The Wilson Bulletin, 206-217, 1998
Distribution and habitat use of Mexican spotted owls in Arizona
JL Ganey, RP Balda
The Condor 91 (2), 355-361, 1989
Metabolic rate and evaporative water loss of Mexican spotted and great horned owls
JL Ganey, RP Balda, RM King
The Wilson Bulletin, 645-656, 1993
Habitat selection by Mexican spotted owls in northern Arizona
JL Ganey, RP Balda
The Auk 111 (1), 162-169, 1994
Multi-scale Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) nest/roost habitat selection in Arizona and a comparison with single-scale modeling results
BC Timm, K McGarigal, SA Cushman, JL Ganey
Landscape Ecology 31, 1209-1225, 2016
Mexican spotted owl home range and habitat use in pine-oak forest: implications for forest management
JL Ganey, WM Block, JS Jenness, RA Wilson
Forest Science 45 (1), 127-135, 1999
Home-range characteristics of spotted owls in northern Arizona
JL Ganey, RP Balda
The Journal of wildlife management, 1159-1165, 1989
Effects and interactions of fire, logging, and grazing
DM Finch, JL Ganey, W Yong, RT Kimball, R Sallabanks
United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service General Technical …, 1997
Improving habitat and connectivity model predictions with multi-scale resource selection functions from two geographic areas
HY Wan, SA Cushman, JL Ganey
Landscape Ecology 34, 503-519, 2019
Is fire “for the birds”? How two rare species influence fire management across the US
SL Stephens, LN Kobziar, BM Collins, R Davis, PZ Fulé, W Gaines, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 (7), 391-399, 2019
Prey ecology of Mexican spotted owls in pine–oak forests of northern Arizona
WM Block, JL Ganey, PE Scott, R King
The Journal of wildlife management 69 (2), 618-629, 2005
Associations between forest fire and Mexican spotted owls
JS Jenness, P Beier, JL Ganey
Forest Science 50 (6), 765-772, 2004
Conflicting perspectives on spotted owls, wildfire, and forest restoration
JL Ganey, HY Wan, SA Cushman, CD Vojta
Fire Ecology 13 (3), 146-165, 2017
Habitat fragmentation reduces genetic diversity and connectivity of the Mexican spotted owl: a simulation study using empirical resistance models
HY Wan, SA Cushman, JL Ganey
Genes 9 (8), 403, 2018
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Articles 1–20