Gholamreza Kefayati
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Cited by
Recent progress on hybrid nanofluids in heat transfer applications: a comprehensive review
NAC Sidik, IM Adamu, MM Jamil, GHR Kefayati, R Mamat, G Najafi
International communications in heat and mass Transfer 78, 68-79, 2016
Simulation of heat transfer and entropy generation of MHD natural convection of non-Newtonian nanofluid in an enclosure
GHR Kefayati
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 92, 1066-1089, 2016
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection in tall enclosures using water/SiO2 nanofluid
GH Kefayati, SF Hosseinizadeh, M Gorji, H Sajjadi
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (6), 798-805, 2011
Effect of a magnetic field on natural convection in an open cavity subjugated to Water/Alumina nanofluid using lattice Boltzmann method
GHR Kefayati
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 40 (January), 67-77, 2013
Heat transfer and entropy generation of natural convection on non-Newtonian nanofluids in a porous cavity
GHR Kefayati
Powder technology 299, 127-149, 2016
Natural convection of ferrofluid in a linearly heated cavity utilizing LBM
GHR Kefayati
Journal of Molecular Liquids 191, 1-9, 2014
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of MHD natural convection in a nanofluid-filled cavity with sinusoidal temperature distribution
GHR Kefayati
Powder technology 243, 171-183, 2013
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of MHD mixed convection in a lid-driven square cavity with linearly heated wall
GH Kefayati, M Gorji-Bandpy, H Sajjadi, DD Ganjia
Scientia Iranica 19 (4), 1053–1065, 2012
A review on why researchers apply external magnetic field on nanofluids
B M'hamed, NAC Sidik, MNAWM Yazid, R Mamat, G Najafi, GHR Kefayati
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 78, 60-67, 2016
FDLBM simulation of mixed convection in a lid-driven cavity filled with non-Newtonian nanofluid in the presence of magnetic field
GHR Kefayati
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 95, 29-46, 2015
Simulation of double diffusive natural convection and entropy generation of power-law fluids in an inclined porous cavity with Soret and Dufour effects (Part II: Entropy …
GH Kefayati
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 94 (March 2016), 582-624, 2016
Simulation of double diffusive natural convection and entropy generation of power-law fluids in an inclined porous cavity with Soret and Dufour effects (Part I: Study of fluid …
GR Kefayati
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 94 (March), 539-581, 2015
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of natural convection in an open enclosure subjugated to water/copper nanofluid
GH Kefayati, SF Hosseinizadeh, M Gorji, H Sajjadi
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 52 (February), 91-101, 2012
Simulation of natural convection and entropy generation of non-Newtonian nanofluid in a porous cavity using Buongiorno’s mathematical model
GHR Kefayati
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 112, 709-744, 2017
Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection in Tall Enclosures Using Cu/Water Nanofluid
H Sajjadi, M Gorji, GHR Kefayati, DD Ganji
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 62 (6), 512-530, 2012
Simulation of double diffusive MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) natural convection and entropy generation in an open cavity filled with power-law fluids in the presence of Soret and …
GHR Kefayati
Energy 107, 917-959, 2016
Mixed convection of non-Newtonian nanofluid in an enclosure using Buongiorno’s mathematical model
GHR Kefayati
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108, 1481-1500, 2017
FDLBM simulation of entropy generation due to natural convection in an enclosure filled with non-Newtonian nanofluid
GHR Kefayati
Powder Technology 273, 176-190, 2015
FDLBM simulation of magnetic field effect on mixed convection in a two sided lid-driven cavity filled with non-Newtonian nanofluid
GHR Kefayati
Powder technology 280, 135-153, 2015
Natural convection problem in a Bingham fluid using the operator-splitting method
RR Huilgol, GHR Kefayati
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 220, 22-32, 2015
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Articles 1–20