Britney Benoit
Cited by
Cited by
Skin‐to‐skin care for procedural pain in neonates
C Johnston, M Campbell‐Yeo, T Disher, B Benoit, A Fernandes, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017
Understanding kangaroo care and its benefits to preterm infants
JCC Campbell-Yeo ML, Disher TC, Benoit BL
Pediatric Health, Medicine, and Therapeutics 2015 (6), 15-32, 2015
Breast-feeding analgesia in infants: an update on the current state of evidence
B Benoit, R Martin-Misener, M Latimer, M Campbell-Yeo
The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 31 (2), 145-159, 2017
Mental health & parental concerns during COVID-19: The experiences of new mothers amidst social isolation
R Ollivier, M Aston, S Price, M Sim, B Benoit, P Joy, D Iduye, NA Nassaji
Midwifery 94, 102902, 2021
Sustained efficacy of kangaroo care for repeated painful procedures over neonatal intensive care unit hospitalization: a single-blind randomized controlled trial
M Campbell-Yeo, CC Johnston, B Benoit, T Disher, K Caddell, M Vincer, ...
Pain 160 (11), 2580-2588, 2019
Barriers and facilitators to implementing the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in neonatal intensive care units
B Benoit, S Semenic
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 43 (5), 614-624, 2014
Assessment and management of pain in preterm infants: a practice update
M Campbell-Yeo, M Eriksson, B Benoit
Children 9 (2), 244, 2022
Smartphone and internet preferences of parents: information needs and desired involvement in infant care and pain management in the NICU
T Orr, M Campbell-Yeo, B Benoit, B Hewitt, J Stinson, P McGrath
Advances in Neonatal Care 17 (2), 131-138, 2017
Infant feeding and maternal guilt: The application of a feminist phenomenological framework to guide clinician practices in breast feeding promotion
B Benoit, L Goldberg, M Campbell-Yeo
Midwifery 34, 58-65, 2016
Trial of repeated analgesia with kangaroo mother care (TRAKC trial)
M Campbell-Yeo, C Johnston, B Benoit, M Latimer, M Vincer, CD Walker, ...
BMC pediatrics 13, 1-10, 2013
Neurophysiological assessment of acute pain in infants: a scoping review of research methods
B Benoit, R Martin‐Misener, A Newman, M Latimer, M Campbell‐Yeo
Acta Paediatrica 106 (7), 1053-1066, 2017
The power of a parent's touch: evaluation of reach and impact of a targeted evidence-based YouTube video
M Campbell-Yeo, J Dol, T Disher, B Benoit, CT Chambers, K Sheffield, ...
The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 31 (4), 341-349, 2017
Staff nurse utilization of kangaroo care as an intervention for procedural pain in preterm infants
B Benoit, M Campbell-Yeo, C Johnston, M Latimer, K Caddell, T Orr
Advances in Neonatal Care 16 (3), 229-238, 2016
Blessings and curses: Exploring the experiences of new mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic
P Joy, M Aston, S Price, M Sim, R Ollivier, B Benoit, N Akbari-Nassaji, ...
Nursing Reports 10 (2), 207-219, 2020
The influence of breastfeeding on cortical and bio-behavioural indicators of procedural pain in newborns: Findings of a randomized controlled trial
B Benoit, A Newman, R Martin-Misener, M Latimer, M Campbell-Yeo
Early Human Development 154, 105308, 2021
Skin‐to‐skin contact for procedural pain in neonates: Acceptability of novel systematic review synthesis methods and GRADEing of the evidence
T Disher, B Benoit, C Johnston, M Campbell‐Yeo
Journal of Advanced Nursing 73 (2), 504-519, 2017
Striving for optimum noise-decreasing strategies in critical care: initial measurements and observations
TC Disher, B Benoit, D Inglis, SA Burgess, B Ellsmere, BE Hewitt, ...
The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 31 (1), 58-66, 2017
The influence of skin-to-skin contact on Cortical Activity during Painful procedures in preterminfants in the neonatal intensive care unit (iCAP mini): study …
M Campbell-Yeo, B Benoit, A Newman, C Johnston, T Bardouille, ...
Trials 23 (1), 512, 2022
The power of human touch for babies
B Benoit, K Boerner, M Campbell-Yeo, C Chambers
Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Center. Retrieved on September 26, 2018
The impact of parent-targeted eHealth educational interventions on infant procedural pain management: a systematic review protocol
B Richardson, B Benoit, K Rutledge, J Dol, RM Misener, M Latimer, ...
JBI Evidence Synthesis 17 (8), 1589-1599, 2019
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Articles 1–20