Сергей Владимирович Востокин (Sergei V. Vostokin)
Сергей Владимирович Востокин (Sergei V. Vostokin)
Samara University
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Cited by
Templet: a markup language for concurrent programming
S Vostokin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.0981, 2014
Templet Web: the use of volunteer computing approach in PaaS-style cloud
S Vostokin, Y Artamonov, D Tsarev
Open Engineering 8 (1), 50-56, 2018
Применение метода парного взаимодействия объектов для построения сред разработки распределенных приложений
СВ Востокин
Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Серия Физико …, 2005
Implementing computations with dynamic task dependencies in the desktop grid environment using Everest and Templet Web
SV Vostokin, OV Sukhoroslov, IV Bobyleva, SN Popov
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2267, 271-275, 2018
The templet parallel computing system: specification, implementation, applications
SV Vostokin
Procedia engineering 201, 684-689, 2017
Dynamical systems analysis using many-task interactive cloud computing
SN Popov, SV Vostokin, AV Doroshin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1694 (1), 012023, 2020
Experience in organizing flexible access to remote computing resources from JupyterLab environment using technologies of Everest and Templet projects
S Vostokin, S Popov, O Sukhoroslov
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3041, 558-561, 2021
Asynchronous round-robin tournament algorithms for many-task data processing applications
SV Vostokin, IV Bobyleva
International Journal of Open Information Technologies 8 (4), 45-53, 2020
Implementation of frequency analysis of twitter microblogging in a hybrid cloud based on the Binder, Everest platform and the Samara University virtual desktop service
S Vostokin, IV Bobyleva
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2667, 162-165, 2020
Building an Algorithmic Skeleton for Block Data Processing on Enterprise Desktop Grids
S Vostokin, I Bobyleva
Russian Supercomputing Days, 678-689, 2019
Using the bag-of-tasks model with centralized storage for distributed sorting of large data array
SV Vostokin, IV Bobyleva
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2416, 199-203, 2019
Implementation of stream processing using the actor formalism for simulation of distributed insertion sort
SV Vostokin, IV Kazakova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1096 (1), 012087, 2018
The Templet language preprocessor: a programming tool for process-per-message modeling
SV Vostokin
Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical …, 2014
Parallel programming software package GraphPlus Templet
SV Vostokin, AR Khayrutdinov, VG Litvinov
Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical …, 2011
Study of the Event Log Method to Organize Fault Tolerant and Self-Balancing Calculations in a Hybrid Environment
SV Vostokin
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 55 (3), 404-406, 2024
A Software Package for Studying Dynamical Systems Using the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent in a Hybrid Computing Environment
SV Vostokin, AV Doroshin
Суперкомпьютерные дни в России, 4-10, 2020
Distributed block sort: A sample application for data processing in mobile ad hoc networks
SN Popov, IV Kazakova, SV Vostokin
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 …, 2019
Templet Web: the experimental use of volunteer computing approach in scientific Platform-as-a-Service implementation
S Vostokin, Y Artamonov, D Tsarev
Proceedings of the Third International Conference BOINC-based High …, 2017
Исследование алгоритмов балансировки методом дискретно-событийного моделирования
АР Хайрутдинов, СВ Востокин
Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета им …, 2011
Experiments with the A022008 Sequence Generator to Study Distributed Computing Based on State Synchronization Service
S Vostokin, M Rusin
Russian Supercomputing Days, 75-89, 2024
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Articles 1–20