Samu Kytölä
Cited by
Cited by
Entextualization and resemiotization as resources for identification in social media
S Leppänen, S Kytölä, H Jousmäki, S Peuronen, E Westinen
The language of social media: Identity and community on the internet, 112-136, 2014
National survey on the English language in Finland: Uses, meanings and attitudes
S Leppänen, P Pahta, H Koskela, S Lähdesmäki, H Jousmäki, ...
Kansallinen kyselytutkimus englannin kielestä Suomessa: Käyttö, merkitys ja asenteet
S Leppänen, A Pitkänen-Huhta, T Nikula, S Kytölä, T Törmäkangas, ...
Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities, 2009
Authenticity, normativity and social media
S Leppänen, JS Møller, TR Nørreby, A Stæhrc, S Kytölä
Discourse, Context and Media 8 (June), 2015
Multilingual language use and metapragmatic reflexivity in Finnish internet football forums: A study in the sociolinguistics of globalization
S Kytölä
Jyväskylä studies in humanities, 2013
S Kytölä
The Routledge handbook of language and digital communication, 371-388, 2015
“I be da reel gansta”—A Finnish footballer’s Twitter writing and metapragmatic evaluations of authenticity
S Kytölä, E Westinen
Discourse, Context & Media 8, 6-19, 2015
Ethnographic perspectives on multilingual computer-mediated discourse: insights from Finnish football forums on the Web
S Kytölä, J Androutsopoulos
Multilingualism, discourse, and ethnography, 179-196, 2012
Social media discourse,(dis) identifications and diversities
S Leppänen, E Westinen, S Kytölä
Routledge, 2017
Multilingual web discussion forums: theoretical, practical and methodological issues
S Kytölä
Language mixing and code-switching in writing, 106-127, 2012
Investigating multilingualism and multisemioticity as communicative resources in social media
S Leppänen, S Kytölä
Researching Multilingualism, 169-185, 2016
Peer normativity and sanctioning of linguistic resources-in-use—on non-standard Englishes in finnish football forums online
S Kytölä
Dangerous multilingualism: Northern perspectives on order, purity and …, 2012
Introduction: Social media discourse,(dis) identifications and diversities
S Leppänen, S Kytölä, E Westinen
Social media discourse,(dis) identifications and diversities, 11-46, 2016
Englanti huumorin ja syrjinnän välineenä suomalaisen Futisforumin keskusteluissa
S Kytölä
Leppänen Sirpa, Tarja Nikula and Leila Kääntä (eds.), Kolmas kotimainen …, 2008
Multilingualism and multimodality in language use and literacies in digital environments
S Leppänen, S Kytölä, E Westinen
Language, education and technology. encyclopedia of language and education …, 2017
“Are They Singing the National Anthem?”: Football Followers’ Responses to the Ethnic Diversification of Finland Men’s National Football Team
S Kytölä
Routledge Studies in Sociolinguistics, 2017
The Finnish colorative construction and expressivity
V Jarva, S Kytölä
SKY Journal of Linguistics 20, 235-272, 2007
This is an electronic reprint of the original article. This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic detail.
J Äystö, BS Chang, T Kalliokoski, DJ Kim, J Kral, F Krizek, K Loo, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 41 (8), 087001, 2014
Polylingual language use, framing and entextualization in digital discourse: Pseudonyms and ‘Signatures’ on two Finnish online football forums
S Kytölä
Texts and discourses of new media, 2014
There Is No ‘I’in ‘Team’: The Co-Construction of Expertise on the Nomadic Matt Travel Blog
T van Nuenen, P Varis
Social Media Discourse,(Dis) identifications and Diversities, 135-159, 2016
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Articles 1–20