Christopher D Bass
Christopher D Bass
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The PROSPECT physics program
J Ashenfelter, AB Balantekin, HR Band, G Barclay, CD Bass, D Berish, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 43 (11), 113001, 2016
Characterization of a 6Li-loaded organic liquid scintillator for fast neutron spectrometry and thermal neutron detection
CD Bass, EJ Beise, H Breuer, CR Heimbach, TJ Langford, JS Nico
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 77, 130-138, 2013
Precision measurement of the radiative β decay of the free neutron
Bales, Alarcon, Bass, Beise, Breuer, Byrne, Chupp, Coakley, Cooper, ...
Physics Review Letters 116, 242501, 2016
An upper bound on parity violating neutron spin rotation in 4He
WM Snow, CD Bass, TD Bass, BE Crawford, K Gan, BR Heckel, D Luo, ...
Physical Review C 83, 022501(R), 2011
Event identification in 3He proportional counters using risetime discrimination
TJ Langford, CD Bass, EJ Beise, H Breuer, DK Erwin, CR Heimbach, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013
Beam-Target Helicity Asymmetry for γn→πp in the N* Resonance Region
D Ho
Phys Rev Lett 118, 2017
Background radiation measurements at high power research reactors
J Ashenfelter, B Balantekin, CX Baldenegro, HR Band, G Barclay, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Light collection and pulse-shape discrimination in elongated scintillator cells for the PROSPECT reactor antineutrino experiment
J Ashenfelter, B Balantekin, HR Band, G Barclay, CD Bass, D Berish, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 10 (11), P11004, 2015
A liquid helium target system for a measurement of parity violation in neutron spin rotation
CD Bass, TD Bass, BR Heckel, CR Huffer, D Luo, DM Markoff, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
A slow neutron polarimeter for the measurement of parity-odd neutron rotary power
WM Snow, E Anderson, L Barrón-Palos, CD Bass, TD Bass, BE Crawford, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (5), 055101, 2015
Fast neutron detection with a segmented spectrometer
TJ Langford, CD Bass, EJ Beise, H Breuer, DK Erwin, CR Heimbach, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2014
A portable cryostat for the cold transfer of polarized solid HD targets: HDice-I
CD Bass, C Bade, M Blecher, A Caracappa, A D'Angelo, A Deur, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2014
A cryostat to hold frozen-spin polarized HD targets in CLAS: HDice-II
M Lowry, C Bass, A Dángelo, A Deur, G Dezern, C Hanretty, D Ho, ...
NIM A 815, 2016
Polarized neutron beam properties for measuring parity-violating spin rotation in liquid 4He
AM Micherdzinska, CD Bass, TD Bass, KF Gan, D Lou, DM Markoff, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
A gamma- and X-ray detector for cryogenic, high magnetic field applications
RL Cooper, R Alarcon, MJ Bales, CD Bass, EJ Beise, H Breuer, J Byrne, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Parity violating neutron spin rotation in 4He and H
WM Snow, E Anderson, L Barrón-Palos, CD Bass, TD Bass, BE Crawford, ...
Nuovo Cimento C 35 (04), 57-62, 2012
Measurement of the parity-violating neutron spin rotation in 4He
CD Bass, JM Dawkins, BR Heckel, PR Huffman, D Luo, DM Markoff, ...
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology …, 2005
Magnetic field effects on large-area avalanche photodiodes at cryogenic temperatures
TR Gentile, CD Bass, JS Nico, H Breuer, R Farrell
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
An experiment for the precision measurement of the radiative decay mode of the neutron
RL Cooper, CD Bass, EJ Beise, H Breuer, J Byrne, TE Chupp, KJ Coakley, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
HDice, Highly-Polarized Low-Background Frozen-Spin HD Targets for CLAS experiments at Jefferson Lab
X Wei, CD Bass, A D'Angelo, A Deur, G Dezern, D Ho, T Kageya, ...
Journal Physics : Conference Series 400, 502042, 2012
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Articles 1–20