Александр Бреев
Cited by
Cited by
The Dirac equation in an external electromagnetic field: Symmetry algebra and exact integration
AI Breev, AV Shapovalov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 670 (1), 012015, 2016
Non-commutative integration of the Dirac equation in homogeneous spaces
A Breev, A Shapovalov
Symmetry 12 (11), 1867, 2020
Symmetry operators and separation of variables in the -dimensional Dirac equation with external electromagnetic field
AV Shapovalov, AI Breev
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 15 (05), 1850085, 2018
Yang-Mills gauge fields conserving the symmetry algebra of the Dirac equation in a homogeneous space
AI Breev, AV Shapovalov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 563 (1), 012004, 2014
Vacuum instability in time-dependent electric fields: New example of an exactly solvable case
AI Breev, SP Gavrilov, DM Gitman, AA Shishmarev
Physical Review D 104 (7), 076008, 2021
Scalar field vacuum polarization on homogeneous spaces with an invariant metric
AI Breev
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 178, 59-75, 2014
Vacuum polarization of a scalar field on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces
AI Breev, IV Shirokov, AA Magazev
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 167, 468-483, 2011
Поляризация вакуума скалярного поля на многообразии, конформно эквивалентном R О G
АИ Бреев, ИВ Широков, ДН Разумов
Известия вузов. Физика 50 (10), 50-56, 2007
Vacuum quantum effects on Lie groups with bi-invariant metrics
AI Breev, AV Shapovalov
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 16 (08), 1950122, 2019
Polarization of a spinor field vacuum on manifolds of the Lie groups.
AI Breev, IV Shirokov
Russian Physics Journal 52 (8), 2009
Harmonic Oscillator Coherent States from the Standpoint of Orbit Theory
A Shapovalov, A Breev
Symmetry 15 (2), 282, 2023
Noncommutative reduction of nonlinear Schrödinger equation on Lie groups
A Breev, A Shapovalov, D Gitman
Universe 8 (9), 445, 2022
Поляризация вакуума скалярного поля на группах Ли и однородных пространствах
АИ Бреев, ИВ Широков, АА Магазев
Теоретическая и математическая физика 167 (1), 78-95, 2011
Polarization of a scalar field vacuum on a manifold conformally equivalent to the manifold RG
AI Breev, IV Shirokov, DN Razumov
Russian Physics Journal 50 (10), 1012-1020, 2007
Integration of the Dirac Equation on Lie Groups in an External Electromagnetic Field Admitting a Noncommutative Symmetry Algebra.
A Breev, A Magazev
Russian Physics Journal 59 (12), 2017
Noncommutative Integrability of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equations in (2+ 1)-Dimensional Spacetime.
A Breev, A Shapovalov
Russian Physics Journal 59 (11), 2017
Поляризация вакуума скалярного поля на неунимодулярных группах Ли
АИ Бреев
Поляризация вакуума спинорного поля на многообразиях групп Ли
АИ Бреев, ИВ Широков
Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика 52 (8), 51-57, 2009
Calculations of vacuum mean values of spinor field current and energy–momentum tensor in a constant electric background
AI Breev, SP Gavrilov, DM Gitman
The European Physical Journal C 83 (2), 108, 2023
Spectra of electronic excitations in graphene near Coulomb impurities
AI Breev, R Ferreira, DM Gitman, BL Voronov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 130, 711-736, 2020
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Articles 1–20