José Roberto Vieira Aragão
José Roberto Vieira Aragão
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Cited by
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability
PA Zuidema, F Babst, P Groenendijk, V Trouet, A Abiyu, R Acuña-Soto, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (4), 269-276, 2022
Dendrochronological potential of four neotropical dry-forest tree species: Climate-growth correlations in Northeast Brazil
JRVA Peter Groenendyk, Claudio Sergio Lisi
Dendrochronologia 53, 5-16, 2019
Climate-growth relations of congeneric tree species vary across a tropical vegetation gradient in Brazil
JRV Aragão, PA Zuidema, P Groenendijk
Dendrochronologia 71, 125913, 2022
The hydrological performance of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) growth as an invasive alien tree species in the semiarid tropics of northeastern Brazil
FC Nogueira, MA Pagotto, JRV Aragão, FA Roig, AS Ribeiro, CS Lisi
Biological invasions 21, 2561-2575, 2019
Teleconnections and edaphoclimatic effects on tree growth of Cedrela odorata L. in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Brazil
IRN Menezes, JRV Aragao, MA Pagotto, CS Lisi
Dendrochronologia 72, 125923, 2022
Caatinga tree wood anatomy: perspectives on use and conservation
AJR Vieira, CS Lisi
Floresta e Ambiente 26, e20170997, 2019
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability. Nat. Geosci. 15, 269–276
PA Zuidema, F Babst, P Groenendijk, V Trouet, A Abiyu, R Acuña-Soto, ...
Differences in climate-growth relationships between two tree species that co-occur in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Northeastern Brazil
CM Costa, MA Pagotto, JRV Aragão, CS Lisi
Dendrochronologia 79, 126072, 2023
Oviposition of the gall wasp Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and morphological changes in Eucalyptus spp. genotypes susceptible.
JO Dantas, JRV Aragão, CS Lisi, EC Silva, RL de Anchieta, GT Ribeiro
Physiological responses of Triplaris gardneriana Wedd. seedlings (Polygonaceae) under intermittent drought
EC da Silva, JRV Aragão, IB Bispo, I da Cruz Menezes, ...
Scientia Plena 17 (12), 2021
Ecologia da madeira e aspectos ecofisiológicos foliares de quatro espécies de florestas tropicais secas no estado de Sergipe
JRV Aragão
Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2017
Variações estruturais, químicas e de crescimento do lenho de espécies distribuídas ao longo de um gradiente de vegetação neotropical sazonal (floresta sempre verde-savana …
JRV Aragão
[sn], 2022
Anatomia da madeira e dendroecologia de Aspidosperma pyrifoium Mart.(Apocynaceae), no seminário sergipano
JRV Aragão
DECO-Departamento de Ecologia–São Cristóvão-Presencial, 2014
Tree-Ring Based Growth Modelling to Aid Timber Management of Congeneric Aspidosperma and Handroanthus Species Along a Seasonal Tropical Forest Gradient
JRV Aragão, P Groenendijk
Available at SSRN 4974323, 0
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Articles 1–14