Angela A. Pitenis
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Cited by
PTFE tribology and the role of mechanochemistry in the development of protective surface films
KL Harris, AA Pitenis, WG Sawyer, BA Krick, GS Blackman, DJ Kasprzak, ...
Macromolecules 48 (11), 3739-3745, 2015
Ultralow wear PTFE and alumina composites: it is all about tribochemistry
AA Pitenis, KL Harris, CP Junk, GS Blackman, WG Sawyer, BA Krick
Tribology letters 57, 1-8, 2015
Mesh size control of polymer fluctuation lubrication in gemini hydrogels
JM Urueña, AA Pitenis, RM Nixon, KD Schulze, TE Angelini, WG Sawyer
Biotribology 1, 24-29, 2015
Ultralow wear fluoropolymer composites: nanoscale functionality from microscale fillers
BA Krick, AA Pitenis, KL Harris, CP Junk, WG Sawyer, SC Brown, ...
Tribology International 95, 245-255, 2016
Polymer fluctuation lubrication in hydrogel gemini interfaces
AA Pitenis, JM Urueña, KD Schulze, RM Nixon, AC Dunn, BA Krick, ...
Soft Matter 10 (44), 8955-8962, 2014
In vacuo tribological behavior of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and alumina nanocomposites: the importance of water for ultralow wear
AA Pitenis, JJ Ewin, KL Harris, WG Sawyer, BA Krick
Tribology letters 53, 189-197, 2014
Evolution and wear of fluoropolymer transfer films
JM Urueña, AA Pitenis, KL Harris, WG Sawyer
Tribology letters 57, 1-8, 2015
Leonardo da Vinci’s friction experiments: An old story acknowledged and repeated
AA Pitenis, D Dowson, W Gregory Sawyer
Tribology Letters 56, 509-515, 2014
Polymer Osmotic Pressure in Hydrogel Contact Mechanics
KD Schulze, SM Hart, SL Marshall, CS O'Bryan, JM Urueña, AA Pitenis, ...
Biotribology 11, 3-7, 2017
Wear debris mobility, aligned surface roughness, and the low wear behavior of filled polytetrafluoroethylene
KL Harris, JF Curry, AA Pitenis, KG Rowe, MA Sidebottom, WG Sawyer, ...
Tribology letters 60, 1-8, 2015
Temperature-Dependent Friction and Wear Behavior of PTFE and MoS2
TF Babuska, AA Pitenis, MR Jones, BL Nation, WG Sawyer, N Argibay
Tribology Letters 63, 1-7, 2016
Friction-Induced Inflammation
AA Pitenis, JM Urueña, SM Hart, CS O’Bryan, SL Marshall, PP Levings, ...
Tribology Letters 66 (3), 81, 2018
Ultralow wear Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) and alumina composites
MA Sidebottom, AA Pitenis, CP Junk, DJ Kasprzak, GS Blackman, ...
Wear 362, 179-185, 2016
Normal Load Scaling of Friction in Gemini Hydrogels
JM Urueña, EO McGhee, TE Angelini, D Dowson, WG Sawyer, AA Pitenis
Biotribology 13, 30-35, 2018
Contact Measurements of Randomly Rough Surfaces
AI Bennett, KL Harris, KD Schulze, JM Urueña, AJ McGhee, AA Pitenis, ...
Tribology Letters 65 (4), 134, 2017
Superlubricity in Gemini Hydrogels
AA Pitenis, JM Urueña, AC Cooper, TE Angelini, WG Sawyer
Journal of Tribology 138 (4), 042103, 2016
Lubricity of high water content aqueous gels
AA Pitenis, WG Sawyer
Tribology Letters 66, 1-7, 2018
Corneal cell friction: Survival, lubricity, tear films, and mucin production over extended duration in vitro studies
AA Pitenis, JM Urueña, TT Hormel, T Bhattacharjee, SR Niemi, ...
Biotribology 11, 77-83, 2017
In Situ Measurements of Contact Dynamics in Speed-dependent Hydrogel Friction
EO McGhee, AA Pitenis, JM Urueña, KD Schulze, AJ McGhee, ...
Biotribology 13, 23-29, 2018
Lubricity from Entangled Polymer Networks on Hydrogels
AA Pitenis, JM Urueña, RM Nixon, T Bhattacharjee, BA Krick, AC Dunn, ...
Journal of Tribology 138 (4), 042102, 2016
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Articles 1–20