Prof  Valli Kumari Vatsavayi
Prof Valli Kumari Vatsavayi
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Molecular docking and dynamic simulation studies evidenced plausible immunotherapeutic anticancer property by Withaferin A targeting indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase
SVG Reddy, KT Reddy, VV Kumari, SH Basha
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 33 (12), 2695-2709, 2015
Feature selection using relative fuzzy entropy and ant colony optimization applied to real-time intrusion detection system
PRK Varma, VV Kumari, SS Kumar
Procedia computer science 85, 503-510, 2016
Intrusion detection system using bayesian network and hidden markov model
N Devarakonda, S Pamidi, VV Kumari, A Govardhan
Procedia Technology 4, 506-514, 2012
A semi-supervised intrusion detection system using active learning SVM and fuzzy c-means clustering
VV Kumari, PRK Varma
2017 International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics …, 2017
A categorical review of recommender systems
R Prasad, VV Kumari
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems 3 (5), 73, 2012
Optimization of Deep Learning Using Various Optimizers, Loss Functions and Dropout
SV Reddy, KT Reddy, V ValliKumari
Int. J. Recent Technol. Eng 7, 448-455, 2018
A survey of feature selection techniques in intrusion detection system: A soft computing perspective
P Ravi Kiran Varma, V Valli Kumari, S Srinivas Kumar
Progress in Computing, Analytics and Networking: Proceedings of ICCAN 2017 …, 2018
Wild-animal recognition in agriculture farms using W-COHOG for agrosecurity
N Andavarapu, VK Vatsavayi
Int. J. Computational Intelligence Research 13 (9), 2247-2257, 2017
Fuzzy based approach for privacy preserving publication of data
VV Kumari, SS Rao, K Raju, KV Ramana, BVS Avadhani
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 8 (1), 115-121, 2008
An SVM based approach to breast cancer classification using RBF and polynomial kernel functions with varying arguments
SVG Reddy, KT Reddy, VV Kumari, KV Varma
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 5 (4 …, 2014
A new approach for estimating software effort using RBFN network
CS Reddy, PS Rao, K Raju, VV Kumari
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 8 (7), 237-241, 2008
Cooperative privacy game: a novel strategy for preserving privacy in data publishing
V Kumari, S Chakravarthy
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 6 (1), 12, 2016
A novel rough set attribute reduction based on ant colony optimisation
PRK Varma, VV Kumari, SS Kumar
International Journal of Intelligent systems Technologies and applications …, 2015
Incremental mining for regular frequent patterns in vertical format
V Kumar, V Kumari
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 1506-1511, 2013
Multi-path selection based on fractional cuckoo search algorithm for QoS aware routing in MANET
S Rao Adimalla, V Valli Kumari, Reddy
sensor review, 2019
Query optimization using clustering and genetic algorithm for distributed databases
SV Lakshmi, VK Vatsavayi
2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics …, 2016
A beneficial analysis of node deployment schemes for wireless sensor networks
GS Rao, V Vallikumari
International Journal of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems 2 (2), 33-43, 2012
Expert finding system using latent effort ranking in academic social networks
SK Rani, K Raju, VV Kumari
Int J Inf Technol Comput Sci 7 (2), 21-27, 2015
An Enhanced Pre-Processing Research Framework For Web Log Data Using A Learning Algorithm
VVRM Rao, VV Kumari
Computer Science and Information Technology 10 (5121), 01-15, 2011
A Deep Learning Approach to Recognize Handwritten Telugu Character Using Convolution Neural Networks
SKG Anupama Angadi, Valli Kumari Vatsavayi
International Journal of Information Systems & Management Science 1 (2), 2018
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Articles 1–20