Darrell A. Henze
Darrell A. Henze
Executive Director Neuroscience, Merck & Co. Inc.
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Accuracy of tetrode spike separation as determined by simultaneous intracellular and extracellular measurements
KD Harris, DA Henze, J Csicsvari, H Hirase, G Buzsaki
Journal of neurophysiology 84 (1), 401-414, 2000
Intracellular features predicted by extracellular recordings in the hippocampus in vivo
DA Henze, Z Borhegyi, J Csicsvari, A Mamiya, KD Harris, G Buzsaki
Journal of neurophysiology 84 (1), 390-400, 2000
Quantitative measures of cluster quality for use in extracellular recordings
N Schmitzer-Torbert, J Jackson, D Henze, K Harris, AD Redish
Neuroscience 131 (1), 1-11, 2005
On the origin of the extracellular action potential waveform: a modeling study
C Gold, DA Henze, C Koch, G Buzsaki
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (5), 3113-3128, 2006
Integration and segregation of activity in entorhinal-hippocampal subregions by neocortical slow oscillations
Y Isomura, A Sirota, S Özen, S Montgomery, K Mizuseki, DA Henze, ...
Neuron 52 (5), 871-882, 2006
Interneuron diversity series: circuit complexity and axon wiring economy of cortical interneurons
G Buzsáki, C Geisler, DA Henze, XJ Wang
Trends in neurosciences 27 (4), 186-193, 2004
Single granule cells reliably discharge targets in the hippocampal CA3 network in vivo
DA Henze, L Wittner, G Buzsáki
Nature neuroscience 5 (8), 790-795, 2002
HC-030031, a TRPA1 selective antagonist, attenuates inflammatory-and neuropathy-induced mechanical hypersensitivity
SR Eid, ED Crown, EL Moore, HA Liang, KC Choong, S Dima, DA Henze, ...
Molecular pain 4, 1744-8069-4-48, 2008
Massively parallel recording of unit and local field potentials with silicon-based electrodes
J Csicsvari, DA Henze, B Jamieson, KD Harris, A Sirota, P Barthó, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 90 (2), 1314-1323, 2003
The multifarious hippocampal mossy fiber pathway: a review
DA Henze, NN Urban, G Barrionuevo
Neuroscience 98 (3), 407-427, 2000
Spike train dynamics predicts theta-related phase precession in hippocampal pyramidal cells
KD Harris, DA Henze, H Hirase, X Leinekugel, G Dragoi, A Czurkó, ...
Nature 417 (6890), 738-741, 2002
Temporal interaction between single spikes and complex spike bursts in hippocampal pyramidal cells
KD Harris, H Hirase, X Leinekugel, DA Henze, G Buzsáki
Neuron 32 (1), 141-149, 2001
Neuronal diversity in GABAergic long-range projections from the hippocampus
S Jinno, T Klausberger, LF Marton, Y Dalezios, JDB Roberts, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (33), 8790-8804, 2007
Action potential threshold of hippocampal pyramidal cells in vivo is increased by recent spiking activity
DA Henze, G Buzsáki
Neuroscience 105 (1), 121-130, 2001
Dopamine increases excitability of pyramidal neurons in primate prefrontal cortex
DA Henze, GR González-Burgos, NN Urban, DA Lewis, G Barrionuevo
Journal of neurophysiology 84 (6), 2799-2809, 2000
Three-dimensional reconstruction of the axon arbor of a CA3 pyramidal cell recorded and filled in vivo
L Wittner, DA Henze, L Záborszky, G Buzsáki
Brain Structure and Function 212, 75-83, 2007
Using extracellular action potential recordings to constrain compartmental models
C Gold, DA Henze, C Koch
Journal of computational neuroscience 23, 39-58, 2007
Hippocampal pyramidal cell–interneuron spike transmission is frequency dependent and responsible for place modulation of interneuron discharge
L Marshall, DA Henze, H Hirase, X Leinekugel, G Dragoi, G Buzsáki
The Journal of neuroscience 22 (2), RC197, 2002
The role of amyloid-beta derived diffusible ligands (ADDLs) in Alzheimer's disease
SM Catalano, EC Dodson, DA Henze, JG Joyce, GA Krafft, GG Kinney
Current topics in medicinal chemistry 6 (6), 597-608, 2006
Aspartate and glutamate mediate excitatory synaptic transmission in area CA1 of the hippocampus
MW Fleck, DA Henze, G Barrionuevo, AM Palmer
Journal of Neuroscience 13 (9), 3944-3955, 1993
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Articles 1–20