Benjamin Brunner
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Cited by
A revised isotope fractionation model for dissimilatory sulfate reduction in sulfate reducing bacteria
B Brunner, SM Bernasconi
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (20), 4759-4771, 2005
A model for oxygen and sulfur isotope fractionation in sulfate during bacterial sulfate reduction processes
B Brunner, SM Bernasconi, J Kleikemper, MH Schroth
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (20), 4773-4785, 2005
Nitrogen isotope effects induced by anammox bacteria
B Brunner, S Contreras, MF Lehmann, O Matantseva, M Rollog, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (47), 18994-18999, 2013
Carbon isotope equilibration during sulphate-limited anaerobic oxidation of methane
MY Yoshinaga, T Holler, T Goldhammer, G Wegener, JW Pohlman, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (3), 190-194, 2014
Carbon and sulfur back flux during anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane and coupled sulfate reduction PNAS 2011 108 (52) E1484–E1490; published ahead of print December 12 …
T Holler, G Wegener, H Niemann, C Deusner, TG Ferdelman, A Boetius, ...
Oxygen isotope biogeochemistry of pore water sulfate in the deep biosphere: dominance of isotope exchange reactions with ambient water during microbial sulfate reduction (ODP …
UG Wortmann, B Chernyavsky, SM Bernasconi, B Brunner, ME Böttcher, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (17), 4221-4232, 2007
Substantial 13C/12C and D/H fractionation during anaerobic oxidation of methane by marine consortia enriched in vitro
T Holler, G Wegener, K Knittel, A Boetius, B Brunner, MMM Kuypers, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 1 (5), 370-376, 2009
Sulfur and oxygen isotope fractionation during sulfate reduction coupled to anaerobic oxidation of methane is dependent on methane concentration
C Deusner, T Holler, GL Arnold, SM Bernasconi, MJ Formolo, B Brunner
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 399, 61-73, 2014
Bacterial formation of phosphatic laminites off Peru
ET Arning, D Birgel, B Brunner, J Peckmann
Geobiology 7 (3), 295-307, 2009
Diagenetic formation of gypsum and dolomite in a cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Seabight, off Ireland
H Pirlet, LM Wehrmann, B Brunner, N Frank, JAN Dewanckele, ...
Sedimentology 57 (3), 786-805, 2010
Kinetic oxygen isotope effects during dissimilatory sulfate reduction: a combined theoretical and experimental approach
AV Turchyn, V Brüchert, TW Lyons, GS Engel, N Balci, DP Schrag, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (7), 2011-2024, 2010
Sulfur cycling in an iron oxide-dominated, dynamic marine depositional system: The Argentine continental margin
N Riedinger, B Brunner, S Krastel, GL Arnold, LM Wehrmann, MJ Formolo, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 5, 33, 2017
Phosphate oxygen isotopes: Insights into sedimentary phosphorus cycling from the Benguela upwelling system
T Goldhammer, B Brunner, SM Bernasconi, TG Ferdelman, M Zabel
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (13), 3741-3756, 2011
Formation of secondary carbonates and native sulphur in sulphate-rich Messinian strata, Sicily
SB Ziegenbalg, B Brunner, JM Rouchy, D Birgel, C Pierre, ME Böttcher, ...
Sedimentary Geology 227 (1-4), 37-50, 2010
Sulfur isotope fractionation during growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria on various carbon sources
J Kleikemper, MH Schroth, SM Bernasconi, B Brunner, J Zeyer
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (23), 4891-4904, 2004
Post-glacial microbialite formation in coral reefs of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans
K Heindel, D Birgel, B Brunner, V Thiel, H Westphal, E Gischler, ...
Chemical Geology 304, 117-130, 2012
The reversibility of dissimilatory sulphate reduction and the cell-internal multi-step reduction of sulphite to sulphide: insights from the oxygen isotope composition of sulphate
B Brunner, F Einsiedl, GL Arnold, I Müller, S Templer, SM Bernasconi
Isotopes in environmental and health studies 48 (1), 33-54, 2012
Different isotope and chemical patterns of pyrite oxidation related to lag and exponential growth phases of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans reveal a microbial growth strategy
B Brunner, JY Yu, RE Mielke, JA MacAskill, S Madzunkov, TJ McGenity, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 270 (1-2), 63-72, 2008
Measurement of sulfur isotope compositions by tunable laser spectroscopy of SO2
LE Christensen, B Brunner, KN Truong, RE Mielke, CR Webster, ...
Analytical Chemistry 79 (24), 9261-9268, 2007
Authigenesis of native sulphur and dolomite in a lacustrine evaporitic setting (Hellín basin, Late Miocene, SE Spain)
Geological Magazine 1 (1), 1-15, 2011
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Articles 1–20