Gloria Arcos-Medina
Gloria Arcos-Medina
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
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Desarrollo de capacidades de investigación para estudiantes universitarios mediante el uso de estrategias instruccionales en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje
D Pástor Ramírez, GL Arcos Medina, A Lagunes Domínguez
Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.) 12 (1), 6-21, 2020
Aspects of software quality applied to the process of agile software development: a systematic literature review
G Arcos-Medina, D Mauricio
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 10 (5 …, 2019
Comparative Study of Performance and Productivity of MVC and MVVM design patterns
G Arcos-Medina, J Menéndez, J Vallejo
KnE Engineering, 241-252, 2018
Identifying factors influencing on agile practices for software development
G Arcos-Medina, D Mauricio
Journal of information and organizational sciences 44 (1), 1-31, 2020
The influence of the application of agile practices in software quality based on ISO/IEC 25010 standard
G Arcos-Medina, D Mauricio
Research Anthology on Agile Software, Software Development, and Testing …, 2022
The application and use of information technology governance at the university level: The information technology governance at the university level, as part of educational …
A Oñate-Andino, D Mauricio, G Arcos-Medina, D Pastor
Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2018 Computing Conference, Volume …, 2019
Desempeño de algoritmos de minería en indicadores académicos: Árbol de Decisión y Regresión Logística
I Menes Camejo, G Arcos Medina, K Gallegos Carrillo
Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas 9 (4), 104-117, 2015
Application of Genetic Algorithms Technique in the Generation of Academic Schedules
J Gómez, G Arcos-Medina, D Pástor
KnE Engineering, 150–165-150–165, 2020
Gestión y seguimiento de pacientes en sus dietas nutricionales utilizando un sitio web
GQ Pereira, KP Jiménez, G Arcos-Medina, MA Pesantez
Ecuadorian Science Journal 5 (2), 15-30, 2021
Design of an adaptive educational application to generate customized tests based on ontology
D Pástor, G Arcos-Medina, V Bonito, J Cepeda
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 16 (3 …, 2021
Open Data in higher education-A systematic literature review
IE Rodriguez-F, G Arcos-Medina, D Pástor, A Oñate, OS Gómez
The international conference on advances in emerging trends and technologies …, 2020
Técnicas de programación segura para mitigar vulnerabilidades en aplicaciones web
JSM Monar, DMP Ramirez, GLA Medina, MAO Andino
Congreso de Ciencia y Tecnología ESPE 13 (1), 2018
Developing research capacities for undergraduate students using instructional strategies in virtual learning environments
D Pástor Ramírez, GL Arcos Medina, A Lagunes Domínguez
Apertura (Guadalajara, Jal.) 12 (1), 6-21, 2020
Instructional Design Methodological Proposal for the Training of Online Content Tutors
C Aimacaña, D Pástor, G Arcos-Medina, B Vaca, A Oñate
KnE Engineering, 204–220-204–220, 2018
Simulación para Estimación de Muertes por Cáncer de Pulmón por Contaminación Ambiental de PM2. 5
G Arcos-Medina, F Armijos-Arcos, A Oñate, D Pastor, R Jerves-Cobo
Revista Ciencia UNEMI 11 (27), 97-110, 2018
Simulation to Estimate Deaths from lung Cancer due to Environmental Contamination of PM2. 5
GA Medina, FMA Arcos, A Oñate, D Pástor, RFJ Cobo
Ciencia Unemi 11 (11), 1-14, 2018
Semantic Query System for Moodle Virtual Courses Based on an Ontology
D Pástor, G Arcos-Medina, A Oñate, M Loaiza, J Torres
2018 International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), 52-58, 2018
Structural Analisys of CMMI with the Software Development Process, Project Portfolio Management and PMBOK
G Arcos-Medina, A Oñate-Andino, D Pástor
KnE Engineering, 223-240, 2018
Custom Learning: An Educational Content Recommendation System Based on Learning Styles
KPJ Niama, D Almache, D Pastor, D Avila, GA Medina
Ubiquitous Learning 18 (1), 93, 2024
Contribuciones para el aseguramiento de la calidad en el proceso de desarrollo de software ágil
GLA Medina
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), 2023
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Articles 1–20