Georgia Lyn Kayser
Georgia Lyn Kayser
Division of Global Health, School of Medicine, University of California San Diego
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Domestic water service delivery indicators and frameworks for monitoring, evaluation, policy and planning: a review
GL Kayser, P Moriarty, C Fonseca, J Bartram
International journal of environmental research and public health 10 (10 …, 2013
Water, sanitation and hygiene: measuring gender equality and empowerment
GL Kayser, N Rao, R Jose, A Raj
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 97 (6), 438, 2019
Water, sanitation, and hygiene in schools: Status and implications of low coverage in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia
C Morgan, M Bowling, J Bartram, GL Kayser
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 220 (6), 950-959, 2017
Drinking water quality governance: A comparative case study of Brazil, Ecuador, and Malawi
GL Kayser, U Amjad, F Dalcanale, J Bartram, ME Bentley
Environmental science & policy 48, 186-195, 2015
Implementing an evolving human right through water and sanitation policy
BM Meier, GL Kayser, UQ Amjad, J Bartram
Water Policy 15 (1), 116-133, 2013
Water quality, compliance, and health outcomes among utilities implementing Water Safety Plans in France and Spain
KE Setty, GL Kayser, M Bowling, J Enault, JF Loret, CP Serra, JM Alonso, ...
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (3), 513-530, 2017
Environmental health threats to Latino migrant farmworkers
F Castillo, AM Mora, GL Kayser, J Vanos, C Hyland, AR Yang, B Eskenazi
Annual review of public health 42 (1), 257-276, 2021
Water, sanitation, and hygiene in rural health-care facilities: a cross-sectional study in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia
A Guo, JM Bowling, J Bartram, G Kayser
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 97 (4), 1033, 2017
Translating the human right to water and sanitation into public policy reform
BM Meier, GL Kayser, JG Kestenbaum, UQ Amjad, F Dalcanale, J Bartram
Science and engineering ethics 20, 833-848, 2014
Social and geographic inequalities in water, sanitation and hygiene access in 21 refugee camps and settlements in Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe
A Calderón-Villarreal, R Schweitzer, G Kayser
International journal for equity in health 21 (1), 27, 2022
Assessing the microbial quality of improved drinking water sources: results from the Dominican Republic
R Baum, G Kayser, C Stauber, M Sobsey
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 90 (1), 121, 2014
Country clustering applied to the water and sanitation sector: A new tool with potential applications in research and policy
K Onda, J Crocker, GL Kayser, J Bartram
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 217 (2-3), 379-385, 2014
Attributes of drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene associated with microbiological water quality of stored drinking water in rural schools in Mozambique and Uganda
CE Morgan, JM Bowling, J Bartram, GL Kayser
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 236, 113804, 2021
Circuit Rider post-construction support: improvements in domestic water quality and system sustainability in El Salvador
GL Kayser, W Moomaw, JMO Portillo, JK Griffiths
The Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 4 (3), 460–470, 2014
Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) insecurity in unhoused communities of Los Angeles, California
LJ Avelar Portillo, GL Kayser, C Ko, A Vasquez, J Gonzalez, DJ Avelar, ...
International journal for equity in health 22 (1), 108, 2023
Deported, homeless, and into the canal: Environmental structural violence in the binational Tijuana River
A Calderón-Villarreal, B Terry, J Friedman, SA González-Olachea, ...
Social Science & Medicine 305, 115044, 2022
Residential proximity to greenhouse crops and pesticide exposure (via acetylcholinesterase activity) assessed from childhood through adolescence
JR Suarez-Lopez, N Nazeeh, G Kayser, J Suárez-Torres, H Checkoway, ...
Environmental research 188, 109728, 2020
Examining the practice of developing human rights indicators to facilitate accountability for the human right to water and sanitation
BM Meier, JG Kestenbaum, GLYN Kayser, UQ Amjad, J Bartram
Journal of Human Rights Practice 6 (1), 159-181, 2014
Drinking water and the implications for gender equity and empowerment: A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative evidence
K De Guzman, G Stone, AR Yang, KE Schaffer, S Lo, R Kojok, ...
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 247, 114044, 2023
Household sanitation access and risk for non-marital sexual violence among a nationally representative sample of women in India, 2015-16
GL Kayser, P Chokhandre, N Rao, A Singh, L McDougal, A Raj
SSM-Population Health 13, 100738, 2021
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Articles 1–20