James C. Liao
James C. Liao
Professor, Department of Biology, The University of Florida at Gainesville/The Whitney Lab
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Fish exploiting vortices decrease muscle activity
JC Liao, DN Beal, GV Lauder, MS Triantafyllou
Science 302 (5650), 1566-1569, 2003
A review of fish swimming mechanics and behaviour in altered flows
JC Liao
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 362 …, 2007
The Kármán gait: novel body kinematics of rainbow trout swimming in a vortex street
JC Liao, DN Beal, GV Lauder, MS Triantafyllou
Journal of experimental biology 206 (6), 1059-1073, 2003
Passive propulsion in vortex wakes
DN Beal, FS Hover, MS Triantafyllou, JC Liao, GV Lauder
Journal of fluid mechanics 549, 385-402, 2006
An efficient immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for the hydrodynamic interaction of elastic filaments
FB Tian, H Luo, L Zhu, JC Liao, XY Lu
Journal of computational physics 230 (19), 7266-7283, 2011
The IPOS framework: linking fish swimming performance in altered flows from laboratory experiments to rivers
RWJ Lacey, VS Neary, JC Liao, EC Enders, HM Tritico
River Research and Applications 28 (4), 429-443, 2012
Computational analysis of vortex dynamics and performance enhancement due to body–fin and fin–fin interactions in fish-like locomotion
G Liu, Y Ren, H Dong, O Akanyeti, JC Liao, GV Lauder
Journal of fluid mechanics 829, 65-88, 2017
The role of the lateral line and vision on body kinematics and hydrodynamic preference of rainbow trout in turbulent flow
JC Liao
Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (20), 4077-4090, 2006
Neuromuscular control of trout swimming in a vortex street: implications for energy economy during the Karman gait
JC Liao
Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (20), 3495-3506, 2004
Shared versus specialized glycinergic spinal interneurons in axial motor circuits of larval zebrafish
JC Liao, JR Fetcho
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (48), 12982-12992, 2008
Rainbow trout consume less oxygen in turbulence: the energetics of swimming behaviors at different speeds
M Taguchi, JC Liao
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (9), 1428-1436, 2011
Zebrafish larvae exhibit rheotaxis and can escape a continuous suction source using their lateral line
J Olszewski, M Haehnel, M Taguchi, JC Liao
PloS one 7 (5), e36661, 2012
Convergence of undulatory swimming kinematics across a diversity of fishes
V Di Santo, E Goerig, DK Wainwright, O Akanyeti, JC Liao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (49), e2113206118, 2021
Accelerating fishes increase propulsive efficiency by modulating vortex ring geometry
O Akanyeti, J Putney, YR Yanagitsuru, GV Lauder, WJ Stewart, JC Liao
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (52), 13828-13833, 2017
Synaptic ribbons require ribeye for electron density, proper synaptic localization, and recruitment of calcium channels
C Lv, WJ Stewart, O Akanyeti, C Frederick, J Zhu, J Santos-Sacchi, ...
Cell reports 15 (12), 2784-2795, 2016
Function of the heterocercal tail in white sturgeon: flow visualization during steady swimming and vertical maneuvering
J Liao, GV Lauder
Journal of Experimental Biology 203 (23), 3585-3594, 2000
Lateral line layout correlates with the differential hydrodynamic pressure on swimming fish
L Ristroph, JC Liao, J Zhang
Physical Review Letters 114 (1), 018102, 2015
A numerical study of fish adaption behaviors in complex environments with a deep reinforcement learning and immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann method
Y Zhu, FB Tian, J Young, JC Liao, JCS Lai
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1691, 2021
Swimming in needlefish (Belonidae): anguilliform locomotion with fins
JC Liao
Journal of Experimental Biology 205 (18), 2875-2884, 2002
Fish optimize sensing and respiration during undulatory swimming
O Akanyeti, PJM Thornycroft, GV Lauder, YR Yanagitsuru, AN Peterson, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11044, 2016
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