Jean-Loup Smirr
Jean-Loup Smirr
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Nonlocal Josephson effect in Andreev molecules
JD Pillet, V Benzoni, J Griesmar, JL Smirr, CO Girit
Nano letters 19 (10), 7138-7143, 2019
Polariton parametric luminescence in a single micropillar
D Bajoni, E Peter, P Senellart, JL Smirr, I Sagnes, A Lemaître, J Bloch
Applied physics letters 90 (5), 2007
Scattering description of Andreev molecules
JD Pillet, V Benzoni, J Griesmar, JL Smirr, Ç Girit
SciPost Physics Core 2 (2), 009, 2020
Magnetic freeze-out and anomalous Hall effect in ZrTe5
A Gourgout, M Leroux, JL Smirr, M Massoudzadegan, RPSM Lobo, ...
npj Quantum Materials 7 (1), 71, 2022
Optimal photon-pair single-mode coupling in narrow-band spontaneous parametric downconversion with arbitrary pump profile
JL Smirr, M Deconinck, R Frey, I Agha, E Diamanti, I Zaquine
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30 (2), 288-301, 2013
Intrinsic limitations to the quality of pulsed spontaneous parametric downconversion sources for quantum information applications
JL Smirr, R Frey, E Diamanti, R Alléaume, I Zaquine
JOSA B 28 (4), 832-841, 2011
Parity effect and single-electron injection for Josephson junction chains deep in the insulating state
K Cedergren, S Kafanov, JL Smirr, JH Cole, T Duty
Physical Review B 92 (10), 104513, 2015
Superconducting on-chip spectrometer for mesoscopic quantum systems
J Griesmar, RH Rodriguez, V Benzoni, JD Pillet, JL Smirr, F Lafont, ...
Physical review research 3 (4), 043078, 2021
Simple performance evaluation of pulsed spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources for quantum communications
JL Smirr, S Guilbaud, J Ghalbouni, R Frey, E Diamanti, R Alléaume, ...
Optics Express 19 (2), 616-627, 2011
Analysis of elliptically polarized maximally entangled states for Bell inequality tests
A Martin, JL Smirr, F Kaiser, E Diamanti, A Issautier, O Alibart, R Frey, ...
Laser Physics 22, 1105-1112, 2012
Spectral Signatures of Nontrivial Topology in a Superconducting Circuit
L Peyruchat, RH Rodriguez, JL Smirr, R Leone, ÇÖ Girit
Physical Review X 14 (4), 041041, 2024
Vers une source de paires de photons intriqués en polarisation de spectre étroit à 1550 nm
JL Smirr
Université Paris Sud-Paris XI, 2010
Source de photons intriqués en polarisation: travaux pratiques de physique quantique
Y Ménesguen, J Smirr, G Pillet, R Alleaume, I Zaquine, R Frey, ...
Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens (1907-2003) 102, 61-80, 2008
Parametric polariton scattering in single micropillar microcavities
D Bajoni, P Senellart, E Peter, JL Smirr, I Sagnes, A Lemaître, J Bloch
Physics of Semiconductors 893, 1143-1144, 2007
Tunable Josephson voltage source for quantum circuits
JL Smirr, P Manset, ÇÖ Girit
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.10227, 2024
Voltage source and method for calibrating this voltage source
C Girit, J Smirr
US Patent App. 18/026,758, 2023
Non-local Josephson effect in Andreev molecules
C Girit, JD Pillet, V Benzoni, J Griesmar, JL Smirr
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, L09. 013, 2019
A Mesoscopic Spectrometer Based on the Josephson Effect
J Griesmar, V Benzoni, F Lafont, L Peyruchat, JL Smirr, C Girit
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, L09. 003, 2019
Analysis of elliptically polarized, maximally entangled states
A Martin, JL Smirr, F Kaiser, A Issautier, V d'Auria, R Frey, O Alibart, ...
20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'11), 2011
Optimal pump beam profile for maximum collection of SPDC into a single mode
JL Smirr, M Deconinck, R Frey, I Agha, E Diamanti, I Zaquine
International Conference on Quantum Technologies, 2011
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Articles 1–20