Nebyou Moje Hawas
Nebyou Moje Hawas
Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture
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Major causes of organs and carcass condemnation in small ruminants slaughtered at Luna Export Abattoir, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
A Regassa, N Moje, B Megersa, D Beyene, D Sheferaw, E Debela, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 110 (2), 139-148, 2013
Bovine trypanosomosis and Glossina distribution in selected areas of southern part of Rift Valley, Ethiopia
D Sheferaw, B Birhanu, B Asrade, M Abera, T Tusse, A Fikadu, ...
Acta tropica 154, 145-148, 2016
Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella isolates from apparently healthy slaughtered goats at Dire Dawa municipal abattoir, Eastern Ethiopia
B Ferede, F Desissa, A Feleke, G Tadesse, N Moje
Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials 7 (1), 1-5, 2015
Cross-sectional study on bovine fasciolosis: prevalence, coprological, abattoir survey and financial loss due to liver condemnation at Areka Municipal Abattoir, Southern Ethiopia
M Nebyou, M Solomon, D Fanta, R Alemayehu
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 7 (1), 33-38, 2015
Bovine fasciolosis, Coprological, Abattoir survey and financial loss due to liver condemnation in Bishooftu Municipal Abattoir, Central Ethiopia
A Regassa, T Woldemariam, S Demisie, N Moje, D Ayana, F Abunna
Eur. J. Biol. Sci 4 (3), 83-90, 2012
Prevalence and public health significance of ovine hydatidosis in Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia
T Belina, A Alemayehu, N Moje, A Yechale, S Girma
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 4 (8), 110-115, 2012
Major causes of organs and carcass condemnation in cattle slaughtered at Nekemte municipality abattoir, East Wollega, Ethiopia
N Moje, D Abdeta, S Kebede, T Terfa, F Desissa, A Regassa
Global Veterinaria 13 (3), 278-284, 2014
Metacestodes in cattle slaughtered at Shashemene municipal abattoir, southern Ethiopia: prevalence, cyst viability, organ distribution and financial losses
N Moje, D Zewde, B Bacha, A Regassa
Glob Vet 12 (1), 129-39, 2014
Status of animal health biosecurity measures of dairy farms in urban and peri-urban areas of central Ethiopia
N Moje, H Waktole, R Kassahun, B Megersa, MT Chomen, S Leta, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, 1086702, 2023
Major Causes of Organs and Carcass Condemnationin Cattle Slaughtered at Nekemte Municipality Abattoir, East Wollega, Ethiopia
M Nebyou, A Debela, K Solomon, T Tesema, D Fanta
Glob Vet 13 (3), 278-284, 2014
Prevalence of bovine rotavirus and coronavirus in neonatal calves in dairy farms of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: preliminary study
M Debelo, H Abdela, A Tesfaye, A Tiruneh, G Mekonnen, Z Asefa, N Moje
BioMed Research International 2021 (1), 5778455, 2021
Gastro-intestinal tract nematodes of small ruminants: prevalence and their identification in and around Alage, Southern Ethiopia
N Moje, A Gurmesa, G Regassa
Animal and Veterinary Sciences 9 (3), 65-72, 2021
Prevalence, cyst viability, organ distributions and financial losses due to hydatidosis in cattle slaughtered at Nekemte municipal abattoir, Western Ethiopia
N Moje, A Degefa
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 6 (11), 280-288, 2014
Assessment of humoral immune response in pre-and post-vaccinated cattle against Lumpy Skin Disease
N Moje, FD Bari, B Urge, E Demissie
Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports, 133-143, 2023
Gastrointestinal helminths of dogs in Yirgalem town, Southern Ethiopia
A Regassa, M Hailu, MLJ Mohamed, N Moje
J. Sci. Dev 4 (1), 1, 2016
Approaches for disease prioritization and decision-making in animal health, 2000–2021: a structured scoping review
K Amenu, KM McIntyre, N Moje, T Knight-Jones, J Rushton, D Grace
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, 1231711, 2023
Cattle exposure to bubaline herpesvirus (BuHV-1) in Southern Italy: A hidden threat for IBR eradication?
G Ferrara, V Iovane, N Moje, E Improda, G Iovane, U Pagnini, ...
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 224, 106116, 2024
Prevalence, cyst viability, organ distributions and financial losses due to hydatidosis in cattle slaughtered at Nekemte municipal abattoir, Western Ethiopia
M Nebyou, D Adugna
Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 6 (11), 280-288, 2014
Serological and Community Awareness Study of Lumpy Skin Disease in Different Agro-Ecological Zones of Sidama Regional State, Southern Ethiopia
N Moje, A Seifu, G Hailegebreal, D Shegu, S Montagnaro, G Ferrara
Animals 14 (12), 1782, 2024
Public health implications of bovine Cysticercosis from cattle slaughtered at Dilla municipal abattoir, Southern Ethiopia
F Tesfaye, J Bekele, M Abera, NM Hawas
East African Journal of Biophysical and Computational Sciences 1 (1), 54-61, 2020
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