Mercedes Natalia López Nitsche
Mercedes Natalia López Nitsche
Académica Universidad de Chile
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Paradoxical effects of cytokines in tumor immune surveillance and tumor-immune escape.
MNA Salazar-Onfray F, López MN
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 18, 171-182, 2007
Prolonged survival of dendritic cell-vaccinated melanoma patients correlates with tumor-specific delayed type IV hypersensitivity response and reduction of tumor growth factor …
SOF López MN, Pereda C, Segal G, Muñoz L, Aguilera R, González FE, Escobar A ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 (6), 945-952, 2009
Tumor cell lysates as immunogenic sources for cancer vaccine design
SOF Gonzalez FE, Gleisner A, Falcon-Beas F, Osorio F, López MN
Dendritic cell immunizations alone or combined with low doses of interleukin-2 induce specific immune responses in melanoma patients.
FCSOF Escobar A, López MN, Serrano A, Ramirez M, Perez C, Aguirre A ...
Clin Exp Immunol 142, 555-568, 2005
Tissue distribution and differential expression of melanocortin 1 receptor, a malignant melanoma marker
F Salazar-Onfray, M Lopez, A Lundqvist, A Aguirre, A Escobar, A Serrano, ...
British journal of cancer 87 (4), 414-422, 2002
Effect of interleukin-6 receptor blockade on the balance between regulatory T cells and T helper type 17 cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
CD Pesce B, Soto L, Sabugo F, Wurmann P, Cuchacovich M, López MN, Sotelo PH ...
Clin Exp Immunol. 171 (3), 237-242, 2013
Functional gap junctions facilitate melanoma antigen transfer and cross-presentation between human dendritic cells.
SJCSOF Mendoza-Naranjo A, Saéz PJ, Johansson CC, Ramírez M, Mandakovic D ...
J Immunol 178 (11), 6949, 2007
Heat-shock induction of tumor-derived danger signals mediates rapid monocyte differentiation into clinically effective dendritic cells
Clinical Cancer Research 17 (8), 2474-2483, 2011
A synthetic peptide homologous to the functional domain of human interleukin 10 downregulates the expression of the MHC class I alpha chain and TAP1/2 in human melanoma cells.
KRSOF Kurte M, López M, Aguirre A, Escobar A, Aguillón JC, Charo J, Larsen CG
J immunol 173, 1731-1738, 2004
Functional gap junctions accumulate at the immunological synapse and contribute to T cell activation.
SOF Mendoza-Naranjo A, Bouma G, Pereda C, Ramírez M, Webb KF, Tittarelli A ...
J Immunol. 187 (6), 3121-3132, 2011
Tumour cell lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccine induces biochemical and memory immune response in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients
FSO D Reyes, L Salazar, E Espinoza, C Pereda, E Castellón, R Valdevenito, C ...
British journal of cancer 109 (6), 1488, 2013
Role of Dendritic Cells in the Induction of Lymphocyte Tolerance
GFE Osorio F, Fuentes C, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F
Front Immunol 6 (535), 2015
Overexpression of connexin 43 reduces melanoma proliferative and metastatic capacity.
SOF Tittarelli A, Guerrero I, Tempio F, Gleisner MA, Avalos I, Sabanegh S ...
British journal of cancer 115 (9), e14, 2015
Innate immunity and new adjuvants
G Mutwiri, V Gerdts, M Lopez, LA Babiuk
Revue Scientifique et Technique-Office International des Epizooties 26 (1), 147, 2007
The role of regulatory T lymphocytes in the induced immune response mediated by biological vaccines.
FSO Mercedes Lopez, Raquel Aguilera, Claudio Perez, Ariadna Mendoza-Naranjo ...
Immunobiology. 211, 127-136, 2006
Melanocortin 1 receptor is expressed by uveal Malignant melanoma and can be considered a new Target for diagnosis and immunotherapy.
KRSOF López MN, Pereda C, Ramírez M, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Serrano A, Ferreira ...
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48 (3), 1219-1227, 2007
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Modulates Immunity by Polarizing Human Macrophages to a M2 Profile
AE María Carolina Ortiz, Claudia Lefimil, Paula I. Rodas, Rolando Vernal ...
Plos One 10 (6), e0130713, 2015
Gap junction intercellular communications regulate NK cell activation and modulate NK cytotoxic capacity.
SOF Tittarelli A, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Farías M, Guerrero I, Ihara F ...
J Immunol. 192 (3), 1313-1319, 2014
Adenosine A3 receptor elicits chemoresistance mediated by multiple resistance-associated protein-1 in human glioblastoma stem-like cells.
QC Torres A, Vargas Y, Uribe D, Jaramillo C, Gleisner A, Salazar-Onfray F ...
oncotarget, 2016
Toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphisms influences dendritic cell in vitro function and clinical outcomes in vaccinated melanoma patients.
SOF Tittarelli A, González FE, Pereda C, Mora G, Muñoz L, Saffie C, García T ...
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 61 (11), 2067-2077, 2012
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