Yueng-Djern Lenn
Yueng-Djern Lenn
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On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array
D Roemmich, MH Alford, H Claustre, K Johnson, B King, J Moum, P Oke, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 439, 2019
Observed Atlantification of the Barents Sea causes the Polar Front to limit the expansion of winter sea ice
BI Barton, YD Lenn, C Lique
Journal of Physical Oceanography 48 (8), 1849-1866, 2018
Tide-mediated warming of Arctic halocline by Atlantic heat fluxes over rough topography
TP Rippeth, BJ Lincoln, YD Lenn, JAM Green, A Sundfjord, S Bacon
Nature Geoscience 8 (3), 191-194, 2015
Sustained monitoring of the Southern Ocean at Drake Passage: Past achievements and future priorities
MP Meredith, PL Woodworth, TK Chereskin, DP Marshall, LC Allison, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 49 (4), 2011
Fate of early 2000s Arctic warm water pulse
IV Polyakov, VA Alexeev, IM Ashik, S Bacon, A Beszczynska-Möller, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 92 (5), 561-566, 2011
Observations of Ekman currents in the Southern Ocean
YD Lenn, TK Chereskin
Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (3), 768-779, 2009
The sources and mixing characteristics of the Agulhas Current
LM Beal, TK Chereskin, YD Lenn, S Elipot
Journal of physical oceanography 36 (11), 2060-2074, 2006
Vertical mixing at intermediate depths in the Arctic boundary current
YD Lenn, PJ Wiles, S Torres‐Valdes, EP Abrahamsen, TP Rippeth, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (5), 2009
Mooring-based observations of double-diffusive staircases over the Laptev Sea slope
IV Polyakov, AV Pnyushkov, R Rember, VV Ivanov, YD Lenn, L Padman, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (1), 95-109, 2012
Wind‐driven mixing at intermediate depths in an ice‐free Arctic Ocean
BJ Lincoln, TP Rippeth, YD Lenn, ML Timmermans, WJ Williams, S Bacon
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (18), 9749-9756, 2016
Intermittent intense turbulent mixing under ice in the Laptev Sea continental shelf
YD Lenn, TP Rippeth, CP Old, S Bacon, I Polyakov, V Ivanov, J Hölemann
Journal of Physical Oceanography 41 (3), 531-547, 2011
Mean jets, mesoscale variability and eddy momentum fluxes in the surface layer of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage
YD Lenn, TK Chereskin, J Sprintall, E Firing
Journal of Marine Research 65 (1), 27-58, 2007
Kara S ea freshwater transport through V ilkitsky S trait: Variability, forcing, and further pathways toward the western A rctic O cean from a model and observations
MA Janout, Y Aksenov, JA Hölemann, B Rabe, U Schauer, IV Polyakov, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (7), 4925-4944, 2015
Seasonal to tidal variability in currents, stratification and acoustic backscatter in an Antarctic ecosystem at Deception Island
YD Lenn, TK Chereskin, RC Glatts
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 50 (10-11), 1665-1683, 2003
A warm jet in a cold ocean
JA MacKinnon, HL Simmons, J Hargrove, J Thomson, T Peacock, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2418, 2021
Semidiurnal tides on the Laptev Sea shelf with implications for shear and vertical mixing
MA Janout, YD Lenn
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (1), 202-219, 2014
Eastern Arctic Ocean diapycnal heat fluxes through large double-diffusive steps
IV Polyakov, L Padman, YD Lenn, A Pnyushkov, R Rember, VV Ivanov
Journal of Physical Oceanography 49 (1), 227-246, 2019
Tide‐induced vertical mixing in the Laptev Sea coastal polynya
IA Dmitrenko, SA Kirillov, E Bloshkina, YD Lenn
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C9), 2012
Can drake passage observations match Ekman's classic theory?
JA Polton, YD Lenn, S Elipot, TK Chereskin, J Sprintall
Journal of physical oceanography 43 (8), 1733-1740, 2013
Eddies and the distribution of eddy kinetic energy in the Arctic Ocean
WJ von Appen, TM Baumann, M Janout, N Koldunov, YD Lenn, ...
Oceanography 35 (3/4), 42-51, 2022
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