Matebie Meten
Matebie Meten
Associate Professor of Engineering Geology, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
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Landslide susceptibility evaluation and hazard zonation techniques–a review
L Shano, TK Raghuvanshi, M Meten
Geoenvironmental Disasters 7, 1-19, 2020
GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping and assessment using bivariate statistical methods in Simada area, northwestern Ethiopia
T Mersha, M Meten
Geoenvironmental disasters 7, 1-22, 2020
Effect of landslide factor combinations on the prediction accuracy of landslide susceptibility maps in the Blue Nile Gorge of Central Ethiopia
M Meten, N PrakashBhandary, R Yatabe
Geoenvironmental Disasters 2, 1-17, 2015
Landslide susceptibility mapping using information value and logistic regression models in Goncha Siso Eneses area, northwestern Ethiopia
A Wubalem, M Meten
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-19, 2020
GIS-based frequency ratio and logistic regression modelling for landslide susceptibility mapping of Debre Sina area in central Ethiopia
M Meten, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe
Journal of mountain science 12, 1355-1372, 2015
Weights of evidence modeling for landslide susceptibility mapping of Kabi-Gebro locality, Gundomeskel area, Central Ethiopia
N Getachew, M Meten
Geoenvironmental Disasters 8, 1-22, 2021
Landslide susceptibility mapping using frequency ratio model: the case of Gamo highland, South Ethiopia
L Shano, TK Raghuvanshi, M Meten
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-18, 2021
Application of GIS-based fuzzy logic and rock engineering system (RES) approaches for landslide susceptibility mapping in Selelkula area of the Lower Jema River Gorge, Central …
M Meten, NP Bhandary, R Yatabe
Environmental earth sciences 74, 3395-3416, 2015
Landslide hazard zonation using logistic regression model: The case of Shafe and Baso catchments, Gamo highland, Southern Ethiopia
L Shano, TK Raghuvanshi, M Meten
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1-19, 2021
A review on the multi-criteria seismic hazard analysis of Ethiopia: with implications of infrastructural development
A Ayele, K Woldearegay, M Meten
Geoenvironmental Disasters 8 (1), 9, 2021
Modeling rock slope stability using kinematic, limit equilibrium and finite-element methods along Mertule Maryam–Mekane Selam road, central Ethiopia
A Bekele, M Meten
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 9 (2), 1559-1585, 2023
A modeling approach for evaluating the impacts of Land Use/Land Cover change for Ziway Lake Watershed hydrology in the Ethiopian Rift
A Mechal, T Takele, M Meten, G Deyassa, Y Degu
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8 (4), 4793-4813, 2022
Stability analysis of rock slope along selected road sections from Gutane Migiru town to Fincha sugar factory, Oromiya, Ethiopia
G Lamessa, M Meten
SN Applied Sciences 3 (2), 151, 2021
Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) to estimate the shear wave velocity for engineering characterization of soils at Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia
A Ayele, K Woldearegay, M Meten
International Journal of Geophysics 2022 (1), 7588306, 2022
Slope stability analysis using kinematic, limit equilibrium, and finite element models at Dessie town, northern Ethiopia
M Kassa, M Meten
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 16 (12), 675, 2023
Fuzzy set theory and pixel-based landslide risk assessment: the case of Shafe and Baso catchments, Gamo highland, Ethiopia
L Shano, TK Raghuvanshi, M Meten
Earth Science Informatics 15 (2), 993-1006, 2022
Engineering geological characterization for evaluation of seepage and geomechanical properties of Chalchal Dam Site, Bale Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia
T Garo, M Meten
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (23), 2549, 2021
Leakage and abutment slope stability analysis of Arjo Didesa dam site, western Ethiopia
L Asfaw, M Meten, T Garo
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (19), 1540, 2022
The Application of Weights of Evidence Modelling for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Dejen-GohaTsiyon Transect in the Blue Nile Gorge, Central Ethiopia
M Meten, P Bhandary, R Yatabe
International Symposium Geohazards: Science, Engineering and Management …, 2014
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using GIS-based Information Value and Frequency Ratio Methods in Gindeberet area, West Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
A Genene, M Meten
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Articles 1–20