Tri Johan Agus Yuswanto
Tri Johan Agus Yuswanto
Poltekes Kemenkes Malang
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Asuhan kebidanan komunitas
R Yuliah, TJA Yuswanto
Edisi ke-2. Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2014
The effectiveness of clinical supervision model based on proctor theory and interpersonal relationship cycle (PIR-C) toward nurses’ performance in improving the quality of …
TJA Yuswanto, N Ernawati, I Rajiani
Indian Journal of Public Health 9 (10), 562, 2018
Role of resilience to improving the performance of health workers: A systematic review
FS Handini, K Kusnanto, TJA Yuswanto
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan 9 (2), 551-560, 2020
Terapi Kombinasi Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME) dengan Senam Kaki Diabetik terhadap Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) pada Penderita Diabetes Tipe II
D Fatmasari, R Ningsih, TJA Yuswanto
Medica Hospitalia: Journal of Clinical Medicine 6 (2), 92-99, 2019
Komunikasi dalam Praktik Kebidanan Edisi 2
R Yulifah, TJA Yuswanto
Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2015
Statistics kingdom: a very helpful basic statistical analysis tool for health students
S Polnok, TT Auta, HSW Nugroho, GDGM Putra, K Sudiantara, IK Gama, ...
Health Notions 6 (9), 413-420, 2022
Factors affecting patient's perception on nurse's carative-caring behaviour
ND Kurniawati, E Karamy, R Pradanie, TJA Yuswanto
Enfermería Clínica 30, 31-34, 2020
Developing the clinical supervision model based on proctor theory and interpersonal relationship cycle (PIR-C)
TJA Yuswanto, N Ernawati
Age (years old) 26 (30), 20, 2018
Asuhan Kebidanan Komunitas Edisi 2
R Yulifah, TJA Yuswanto
Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2014
Response to: A Qualitative Study of Perception and Experience Toward End-of-Life Care Among Nursing Students Who Witnessed Dying People in Their Family
P Weraman, TJA Yuswanto, HSW Nugroho
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2377-2378, 2023
Komitmen Organisasional dan Penurunan Burnout Syndrome Perawat
MM Prakosa, N Nursalam, TJA Yuswanto
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan" SUARA FORIKES"(Journal of Health Research …, 2020
Combination of DM gymnastics and foot gymnastics toward peripheral vascular neuro on type II diabetes mellitus clients
TD Wahyuni, TJA Yuswanto
International Journal of Science and Research 6 (3), 41-49, 2017
R Yulifah, T Yuswanto
Asuhan kebidanan komunitas. Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 0
Individual Counseling to Improve Knowledge And Affecting Healthy Sex Behavior for housewifes with High Risk of Hiv And Aids
S Mudayatiningsih, T Johan, A Yuswanto
IOSR J Nurs Heal Sci [Internet] 6 (02), 01-8, 2017
Beban Kerja Perawat dan Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Surgical Safety Checklist di Rumah Sakit
FM DA, A Bachtiar, TJA Yuswanto
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan" SUARA FORIKES"(Journal of Health Research …, 2023
Efektivitas Akupresur Dan Ekstrak Daun Salam Terhadap Kadar Asam Urat Pada Klien Arthritis Gout
N Sari, TJA Yuswanto, D Fatmasari
Jurnal Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan 2 (1), 7-14, 2022
Foot reflexology improves intestinal peristalsis in postoperative caesarean patients
TJA Yuswanto, EA Putra, R Yuliwar
Aloha International Journal of Health Advancement (AIJHA) 2 (1), 15-17, 2021
Complementary nursing intervention of acupressure and bay leaf extract (Syzygium polyanthum) on reducing pain among patients with arthritis gout
N Sari, TJA Yuswanto, D Fatmasari
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) 3 (6), 700-708, 2020
Hotspots Penyebaran Diare Berbasis Analisis Autokorelasi Spasial di Kabupaten Bogor
LP Sofyan, T Eryando, TJAA Yuswanto
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan" SUARA FORIKES"(Journal of Health Research …, 2024
Komorbid, Usia, dan Jenis Fraktur Ekstremitas Bawah Berhubungan dengan Lama Rawat Inap pada Pasien Post Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF)
AN Putri, R Hamarno, TJAA Yuswanto
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan" SUARA FORIKES"(Journal of Health Research …, 2023
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