Mohammad Shahsavari
Mohammad Shahsavari
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford
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Tailoring reduced mechanisms for predicting flame propagation and ignition characteristics in ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen mixtures
T Cai, D Zhao, SH Chan, M Shahsavari
Energy 260, 125090, 2022
RANS simulations on combustion and emission characteristics of a premixed NH3/H2 swirling flame with reduced chemical kinetic model
Y Sun, T Cai, D Zhao, M Shahsavari, D Sun, X Sun, B Wang
Contributions of hydrodynamic features of a swirling flow to thermoacoustic instabilities in a lean premixed swirl stabilized combustor
B Zhang, M Shahsavari, Z Rao, S Yang, B Wang
Physics of Fluids 31 (7), 2019
On nanosecond plasma-assisted ammonia combustion: Effects of pulse and mixture properties
M Shahsavari, AA Konnov, A Valera-Medina, M Jangi
Combustion and Flame 245, 112368, 2022
Entropy generation and CO2 emission in presence of pulsating oscillations in a bifurcating thermoacoustic combustor with a Helmholtz resonator at off-design conditions
Y Guan, S Becker, D Zhao, J Xu, M Shahsavari, J Schluter
Aerospace Science and Technology 136, 108204, 2023
Effects of the fresh mixture temperature on thermoacoustic instabilities in a lean premixed swirl-stabilized combustor
B Zhang, M Shahsavari, Z Rao, R Li, S Yang, B Wang
Physics of Fluids 32 (4), 2020
Thermoacoustic instability drivers and mode transitions in a lean premixed methane-air combustor at various swirl intensities
B Zhang, M Shahsavari, Z Rao, S Yang, B Wang
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6115-6124, 2021
Low swirl premixed methane-air flame dynamics under acoustic excitations
M Shahsavari, M Farshchi, SR Chakravarthy, A Chakraborty, IB Aravind, ...
Physics of Fluids 31 (9), 2019
Large Eddy Simulations of Unconfined Non-reacting and Reacting Turbulent Low Swirl Jets
M Shahsavari, M Farshchi, MH Arabnejad
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 98 (3), 817-840, 2017
Synergistic effects of nanosecond plasma discharge and hydrogen on ammonia combustion
M Shahsavari, AA Konnov, XS Bai, A Valera-Medina, T Li, M Jangi
Fuel 348, 128475, 2023
Large Eddy Simulation of Low Swirl Flames Under External Flow Excitations
M Shahsavari, M Farshchi
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 100 (1), 249-269, 2018
Numerical Study of Cryogenic Swirl Injection Under Supercritical Conditions
A Poormahmood, M Shahsavari, M Farshchi
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (2), 428-437, 2018
Experimental characterization of response of lean premixed low-swirl flames to acoustic excitations
N Bagheri-Sadeghi, M Shahsavari, M Farshchi
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 5 (4), 309-328, 2013
Effects of inert dispersed particles on the propagation characteristics of a H2/CO/air detonation wave
B Zhang, J Chen, M Shahsavari, H Wen, B Wang, X Tian
Aerospace Science and Technology 126, 107660, 2022
Response of supercritical round jets to various excitation modes
M Shahsavari, B Wang, B Zhang, G Jiang, D Zhao
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, A47, 2021
Nonlinear dynamics of a swirl-stabilized combustor under acoustic excitations: Influence of the excited combustor natural mode oscillations
Z Rao, R Li, B Zhang, B Wang, D Zhao, M Shahsavari
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 107, 683-708, 2021
Experimental Study of Lean Premixed Low Swirl Flame under Acoustic Excitations
M Shahsavari, IB Aravind, SR Chakravarthy, M Farshchi
International Symposium: Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Gas Turbines and …, 2016
The propagation characteristics of particle-laden two-phase detonation waves in pyrolysis mixtures of C (s)/H2/CO/CH4/O2/N2
B Zhang, M Shahsavari, J Chen, H Wen, B Wang, X Tian
Aerospace Science and Technology 130, 107912, 2022
Effect of fuel reactivity on flame properties of a low-swirl burner
MS Akhtar, M Shahsavari, A Ghosh, B Wang, Z Hussain, Z Rao
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 142, 110795, 2023
RANS simulations on combustion and emission characteristics of a premixed NH3/H2 swirling flame with reduced chemical kinetic model
SUN Yuze, CAI Tao, M SHAHSAVARI, SUN Dakun, SUN Xiaofeng, Z Dan, ...
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 34 (12), 17-27, 2021
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Articles 1–20