Georgina M. Gomez
Georgina M. Gomez
Associate Professor, Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Cited by
‘Helping a large number of people become a little less poor’: The logic of survival entrepreneurs
E Berner, G Gomez, P Knorringa
The European Journal of Development Research 24, 382-396, 2012
Social and solidarity economy: Beyond the fringe
S Bergeron, S Healy, C Millstone, B Fonteneau, G Gómez, M Mendell, ...
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015
Alternative currency movements as a challenge to globalisation?: A case study of Manchester's local currency networks
P North
Routledge, 2018
Selective spatial closure and local economic development: What do we learn from the Argentine local currency systems?
GM Gomez, AHJ Helmsing
World Development 36 (11), 2489-2511, 2008
Argentina's parallel currency: The economy of the poor
GM Gómez
Routledge, 2015
Do micro-enterprises promote equity or growth?
G Gómez
Making Markets: The Institutional Rise and Decline of the Argentine Red de Trueque: Proefschrift
GM Gómez
Shaker, 2008
Las inversiones en la industria argentina en la década de los años noventa
R Bisang, G Gómez
Cepal, 1999
What was the deal for the participants of the Argentine local currency systems, the Redes de Trueque?
GM Gomez
Environment and Planning A 42 (7), 1669-1685, 2010
Monetary plurality in local, regional and global economies
G Gómez, G Gómez
Routledge, 2019
Local economic development and migrant remittances in rural Zimbabwe
G Ncube, G Gomez
ISS Working Paper Series/General Series 523, 1-26, 2011
Making sense of a crank case: monetary diversity in Argentina (1999–2003)
GM Gómez, P Dini
Cambridge Journal of Economics 40 (5), 1421-1437, 2016
Governance and sustainability of the Argentine complementary currency systems
G Gómez
International Journal of Community Currency Research 16 (special issue), 80-89, 2012
Complementary currencies for humanitarian aid
L Ussher, L Ebert, GM Gómez, WO Ruddick
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14 (11), 557, 2021
Exploring the entrepreneurial ecosystem within the informal economy with a multifactor framework
GM Gómez, S Chawla, J Fransen
Urban studies and entrepreneurship, 181-202, 2020
Effects of COVID-19 on education and schools’ reopening in Latin America
GM Gómez, GJ Andrés Uzín P
COVID-19 and international development, 119-135, 2022
Covid‐19 in Brazil in an era of necropolitics: resistance in the face of disaster
RC Muniz, FM Ferradas, GM Gomez, LJ Pegler
Disasters 45, S97-S118, 2021
Money as an institution: rule versus evolved practice? Analysis of multiple currencies in Argentina
GM Gómez
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 12 (2), 80, 2019
From the street to the store: the formalization of street vendors in Quito, Ecuador
S Ferragut, GM Gómez
Securing livelihoods: Informal economy practices and institutions 214, 2013
The logic of survival entrepreneurs and the moral economy of the slum
E Berner, G Gomez, P Knorringa
UNUWIDER Workshop ‘Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Helsinki, 21-23, 2008
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Articles 1–20