Saideh Ferdowsi
Saideh Ferdowsi
University of Essex
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Cited by
A gradient-based alternating minimization approach for optimization of the measurement matrix in compressive sensing
V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi, S Sanei
Signal Processing 92 (4), 999-1009, 2012
On optimization of the measurement matrix for compressive sensing
V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi, B Makkiabadi, S Sanei
2010 18th European Signal Processing Conference, 427-431, 2010
Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI
V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi, S Sanei
Signal, Image and Video Processing 9, 147-158, 2015
Blind separation of image sources via adaptive dictionary learning
V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi, S Sanei
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (6), 2921-2930, 2012
Deep recurrent–convolutional neural network for classification of simultaneous EEG–fNIRS signals
H Ghonchi, M Fateh, V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi, M Rezvani
IET Signal Processing 14 (3), 142-153, 2020
EEG–fMRI: dictionary learning for removal of ballistocardiogram artifact from EEG
V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 18, 186-194, 2015
Removing ballistocardiogram artifact from EEG using short-and long-term linear predictor
S Ferdowsi, S Sanei, V Abolghasemi, J Nottage, O O’Daly
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (7), 1900-1911, 2013
A new informed tensor factorization approach to EEG–fMRI fusion
S Ferdowsi, V Abolghasemi, S Sanei
Journal of neuroscience methods 254, 27-35, 2015
A constrained NMF algorithm for BOLD detection in fMRI
S Ferdowsi, V Abolghasemi, S Sanei
2010 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing …, 2010
Recursive singular spectrum analysis for induction machines unbalanced rotor fault diagnosis
V Abolghasemi, MH Marzebali, S Ferdowsi
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-11, 2021
A predictive modeling approach to analyze data in EEG–fMRI experiments
S Ferdowsi, S Sanei, V Abolghasemi
International Journal of Neural Systems 25 (01), 1440008, 2015
Incoherent dictionary pair learning: Application to a novel open-source database of chinese numbers
V Abolghasemi, M Chen, A Alameer, S Ferdowsi, J Chambers, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 25 (4), 472-476, 2018
Advances in electroencephalography signal processing [Life Sciences]
S Sanei, S Ferdowsi, K Nazarpour, A Cichocki
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (1), 170-176, 2012
Spatio-temporal deep learning for EEG-fNIRS brain computer interface
H Ghonchi, M Fateh, V Abolghasemi, S Ferdowsi, M Rezvani
2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2020
Segmented compressive sensing
V Abolghasemi, S Sanei, S Ferdowsi, F Ghaderi, A Belcher
2009 IEEE/SP 15th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 630-633, 2009
Labeled projective dictionary pair learning: application to handwritten numbers recognition
R Ameri, A Alameer, S Ferdowsi, K Nazarpour, V Abolghasemi
Information Sciences 609, 489-506, 2022
A new spatially constrained NMF with application to fMRI
S Ferdowsi, V Abolghasemi, B Makkiabadi, S Sanei
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Classification of handwritten Chinese numbers with convolutional neural networks
R Ameri, A Alameer, S Ferdowsi, V Abolghasemi, K Nazarpour
2021 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis …, 2021
Semiblind spectral factorization approach for magnetic resonance spectroscopy quantification
S Ferdowsi, V Abolghasemi
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65 (8), 1717-1724, 2017
EEG-FMRI integration using a partially constrained tensor factorization
S Ferdowsi, V Abolghasemi, S Sanei
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2013
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Articles 1–20