Prof. Dr. S. Palani
Prof. Dr. S. Palani
Vel Tech Multitech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College
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Cited by
An ANN application for water quality forecasting
S Palani, SY Liong, P Tkalich
Marine pollution bulletin 56 (9), 1586-1597, 2008
MPPT of PV systems under partial shaded conditions through a colony of flashing fireflies
K Sundareswaran, S Peddapati, S Palani
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 29 (2), 463-472, 2014
Enhanced energy output from a PV system under partial shaded conditions through artificial bee colony
K Sundareswaran, P Sankar, PSR Nayak, SP Simon, S Palani
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 6 (1), 198-209, 2014
Development of an improved P&O algorithm assisted through a colony of foraging ants for MPPT in PV system
K Sundareswaran, V Vigneshkumar, P Sankar, SP Simon, PSR Nayak, ...
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 12 (1), 187-200, 2015
Application of a combined particle swarm optimization and perturb and observe method for MPPT in PV systems under partial shading conditions
K Sundareswaran, S Palani
Renewable Energy 75, 308-317, 2015
Brain tumor MRI image classification with feature selection and extraction using linear discriminant analysis
VP Rathi, S Palani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.2128, 2012
Productivity enhancement of solar still by PCM and Nanoparticles miscellaneous basin absorbing materials
S Shanmugan, S Palani, B Janarthanan
Desalination 433, 186-198, 2018
Prediction of surface roughness in CNC end milling by machine vision system using artificial neural network based on 2D Fourier transform
S Palani, U Natarajan
Int J Adv Manuf Technol 54, 1033–1042, 2011
Dry and wet atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and phosphorus in Singapore
J He, R Balasubramanian, DF Burger, K Hicks, JCI Kuylenstierna, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (16), 2760-2768, 2011
Application of random search method for maximum power point tracking in partially shaded photovoltaic systems
K Sundareswaran, S Peddapati, S Palani
IET Renewable Power Generation 8 (6), 670-678, 2014
Signals and systems
S Palani
Springer, 2022
Brain tumor detection and classification using deep learning classifier on MRI images
VPGP Rathi, S Palani
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 10 (2), 177-187, 2015
Development of a hybrid genetic algorithm/perturb and observe algorithm for maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic systems under non‐uniform insolation
K Sundareswaran, V Vigneshkumar, S Palani
IET Renewable Power Generation 9 (7), 757-765, 2015
Determination of total nitrogen in atmospheric wet and dry deposition samples
S Karthikeyan, J He, S Palani, R Balasubramanian, D Burger
Talanta 77 (3), 979-984, 2009
On-line prediction of micro-turning multi-response variables by machine vision system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
S Palani, U Natarajan, M Chellamalai
Machine Vision and Applications 24, 19-32, 2013
Prediction of surface roughness in turning operations by computer vision using neural network trained by differential evolution algorithm
SH Yang, U Natarajan, M Sekar, S Palani
Int J Adv Manuf Technol 51, 965-971, 2010
Influence of severe double shot peening on microstructure properties of Ti 6Al-4V and Titanium Grade 2 dissimilar joints using laser beam welding
M Logesh, R Selvabharathi, T Thangeeswari, S Palani
Optics & Laser Technology 123, 105883, 2020
Development of a neural network model for dissolved oxygen in seawater
S Palani, SY Liong, P Tkalich, J Palanichamy
CSIR, 2009
A novel approach for feature extraction and selection on MRI images for brain tumor classification
VGP Rathi, DS Palani
Int Conf Comp Sci Eng Appl, 225-234, 2012
Simulation of saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifer of Nagapattinam in the lower cauvery basin using SEAWAT
G Dunlop, J Palanichamy, A Kokkat, EJ James, S Palani
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 8, 294-301, 2019
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Articles 1–20