Umberto Cardella
Umberto Cardella
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Cited by
FCC-ee: The lepton collider: Future circular collider conceptual design report volume 2
AEA Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 261-623, 2019
FCC physics opportunities
A Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, JA Fernandez, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (6), 1-161, 2019
Hydrogen liquefaction: a review of the fundamental physics, engineering practice and future opportunities
SZS Al Ghafri, S Munro, U Cardella, T Funke, W Notardonato, JPM Trusler, ...
Energy & environmental science 15 (7), 2690-2731, 2022
Process optimization for large-scale hydrogen liquefaction
U Cardella, L Decker, J Sundberg, H Klein
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (17), 12339-12354, 2017
Roadmap to economically viable hydrogen liquefaction
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (19), 13329-13338, 2017
HE-LHC: the high-energy large hadron collider: future circular collider conceptual design report volume 4
A Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 1109-1382, 2019
Economically viable large-scale hydrogen liquefaction
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 171 (1), 012013, 2017
Kinetics and heat exchanger design for catalytic ortho‐para hydrogen conversion during liquefaction
PJ Donaubauer, U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
Chemical Engineering & Technology 42 (3), 669-679, 2019
Large-scale hydrogen liquefaction under the aspect of economic viability
UF Cardella
Technische Universität München, 2018
FCC Physics Opportunities: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 1
AJG Lunt, FCC Collaboration
European Physical Journal C 79 (6), 474, 2019
Wirtschaftlich umsetzbare Wasserstoff Großverflüssiger
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2015, Dresden 1 …, 2015
Large-scale hydrogen liquefaction by means of a high pressure hydrogen refrigeration cycle combined to a novel single mixed-refrigerant precooling
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
US Patent 10,928,127, 2021
Preliminary Conceptual design of FCC-hh cryoplants: Linde evaluation
F Millet, L Tavian, U Cardella, O Amstutz, P Selva, A Kuendig
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 502 (1), 012131, 2019
FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3
AJG Lunt, FCC Collaboration
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 228 (4), 755-1107, 2019
Aspects of hydrogen liquefier scale-up-Process equipment and design
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
The 14th CRYOGENICS 2017 IIR International Conference, 2017
Low-temperature mixed-refrigerant for hydrogen precooling in large scale
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
US Patent 11,340,012, 2022
Final design of a cost-optimized 100 tpd H2 liquefier
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials …, 2017
Hydrogen-neon mixture refrigeration cycle for large-scale hydrogen cooling and liquefaction
U Cardella, L Decker, H Klein
US Patent 10,837,700, 2020
Katalytische ortho-para Wasserstoff Umwandlung in Plattentauscher
U Cardella, P Donaubauer, H Klein, L Decker
Deutsche Kälte-und Klimatagung, 2015
Method and installation for the electrolytic production of liquid hydrogen
A Peschel, U Cardella, B Hentschel
US Patent App. 17/657,272, 2022
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Articles 1–20