Giovanni Castellazzi
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Cited by
Modeling strategies for the computational analysis of unreinforced masonry structures: review and classification
AM D’altri, V Sarhosis, G Milani, J Rots, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino, ...
Archives of computational methods in engineering 27, 1153-1185, 2020
An innovative numerical modeling strategy for the structural analysis of historical monumental buildings
G Castellazzi, AM D’Altri, S de Miranda, F Ubertini
Engineering Structures 132, 229-248, 2017
From laser scanning to finite element analysis of complex buildings by using a semi-automatic procedure
G Castellazzi, AM D’Altri, G Bitelli, I Selvaggi, A Lambertini
Sensors 15 (8), 18360-18380, 2015
A 3D detailed micro-model for the in-plane and out-of-plane numerical analysis of masonry panels
AM D'Altri, S de Miranda, G Castellazzi, V Sarhosis
Computers & Structures 206, 18-30, 2018
Seismic assessment of interacting structural units in complex historic masonry constructions by nonlinear static analyses
S Degli Abbati, AM D'Altri, D Ottonelli, G Castellazzi, S Cattari, ...
Computers & Structures 213, 51-71, 2019
Numerical insights on the seismic behavior of a non-isolated historical masonry tower
G Castellazzi, AM D’Altri, S de Miranda, A Chiozzi, A Tralli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 933-961, 2018
Ambient vibration‐based finite element model updating of an earthquake‐damaged masonry tower
E Bassoli, L Vincenzi, AM D'Altri, S de Miranda, M Forghieri, G Castellazzi
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 25 (5), e2150, 2018
A damaging block-based model for the analysis of the cyclic behaviour of full-scale masonry structures
AM D'Altri, F Messali, J Rots, G Castellazzi, S de Miranda
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 209, 423-448, 2019
A coupled multiphase model for hygrothermal analysis of masonry structures and prediction of stress induced by salt crystallization
G Castellazzi, C Colla, S de Miranda, G Formica, E Gabrielli, L Molari, ...
Construction and Building Materials 41, 717-731, 2013
A review of numerical models for masonry structures
AM D’Altri, V Sarhosis, G Milani, J Rots, S Cattari, S Lagomarsino, ...
Numerical modeling of masonry and historical structures, 3-53, 2019
Historic barrel vaults undergoing differential settlements
AM D’Altri, S De Miranda, G Castellazzi, V Sarhosis, J Hudson, ...
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2020
Seismic-induced damage in historical masonry vaults: A case-study in the 2012 Emilia earthquake-stricken area
AM D'Altri, G Castellazzi, S de Miranda, A Tralli
Journal of Building Engineering 13, 224-243, 2017
Seismic vulnerability assessment of a historical church: limit analysis and nonlinear finite element analysis
G Castellazzi, C Gentilini, L Nobile
Advances in Civil Engineering 2013 (1), 517454, 2013
Stability analysis of leaning historic masonry structures
AM D'Altri, G Milani, S de Miranda, G Castellazzi, V Sarhosis
Automation in construction 92, 199-213, 2018
Automated voxel model from point clouds for structural analysis of cultural heritage
G Bitelli, G Castellazzi, AM D’altri, S De Miranda, A Lambertini, I Selvaggi
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Three-dimensional discrete element modelling of rubble masonry structures from dense point clouds
N Kassotakis, V Sarhosis, B Riveiro, B Conde, AM D'Altri, J Mills, G Milani, ...
Automation in Construction 119, 103365, 2020
Collapse investigation of the Arquata del Tronto medieval fortress after the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence
AM D’Altri, G Castellazzi, S de Miranda
Journal of Building Engineering 18, 245-251, 2018
Displacement‐based finite elements with nodal integration for Reissner–Mindlin plates
G Castellazzi, P Krysl
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 80 (2), 135-162, 2009
Multiphase model for hygrothermal analysis of porous media with salt crystallization and hydration
G Castellazzi, S de Miranda, L Grementieri, L Molari, F Ubertini
Materials and Structures 49, 1039-1063, 2016
Adaptivity based on the recovery by compatibility in patches
G Castellazzi, S de Miranda, F Ubertini
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 46 (5), 379-390, 2010
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Articles 1–20