Eva R. Hillmann
Cited by
Cited by
System response, nutria herbivory, and vegetation recovery of a wetland receiving secondarily-treated effluent in coastal Louisiana
GP Shaffer, JW Day, RG Hunter, RR Lane, CJ Lundberg, WB Wood, ...
Ecological Engineering 79, 120-131, 2015
Decline of the Maurepas Swamp, Pontchartrain Basin, Louisiana, and approaches to restoration
GP Shaffer, JW Day, D Kandalepas, WB Wood, RG Hunter, RR Lane, ...
Water 8 (3), 101, 2016
Estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation habitat provides organic carbon storage across a shifting landscape
ER Hillmann, VH Rivera-Monroy, JA Nyman, MK La Peyre
Science of the Total Environment 717, 137217, 2020
Examination of deltaic processes of Mississippi River outlets—Caernarvon delta and Bohemia Spillway in southeastern Louisiana
JA Lopez, TK Henkel, AM Moshogianis, AD Baker, EC Boyd, ER Hillmann, ...
GCAGS Journal, 2014
Restoration and management of a degraded baldcypress swamp and freshwater marsh in Coastal Louisiana
RG Hunter, JW Day, GP Shaffer, RR Lane, AJ Englande, R Reimers, ...
Water 8 (3), 71, 2016
Establishing a baseline of estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation resources across salinity zones within coastal areas of the northern Gulf of Mexico
ER Hillmann, K DeMarco, MK LaPeyre
Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3, 25-32, 2016
Salinity and water clarity dictate seasonal variability in coastal submerged aquatic vegetation in subtropical estuarine environments
ER Hillmann, K DeMarco, MK La Peyre
Aquatic Biology 28, 175-186, 2019
Effects of salinity and light on growth and interspecific interactions between Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Ruppia maritima L.
ER Hillmann, MK La Peyre
Aquatic Botany 155, 25-31, 2019
Recommendations for Restoration: Central Wetlands Unit, Louisiana
E Hillmann, T Henkel, J Lopez, D Baker
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, New Orleans 69, 2015
Preliminary results of recently observed hypoxia development in the Chandeleur Sound and Breton Sound of southeastern Louisiana
A Moshogianis, J Lopez, T Henkel, E Boyd, A Baker, E Hillmann
East of the Mississippi River Delta: a technical report, Lake Pontchartrain …, 2013
The implications of nutrient loading on deltaic wetlands
ER Hillmann
Southeastern Louisiana University, 2011
Above-and belowground response of baldcypress and water tupelo seedlings to variable rates of nitrogen loading: mesocosm and field studies
ER Hillmann, GP Shaffer, WB Wood, JW Day, J Day, J Mancuso, RR Lane, ...
Ecological Engineering 137, 1-6, 2019
Defining aquatic habitat zones across northern Gulf of Mexico estuarine gradients through submerged aquatic vegetation species assemblage and biomass data
KE DeMarco, ER Hillmann, JA Nyman, B Couvillion, MK La Peyre
Estuaries and Coasts 45 (1), 148-167, 2022
System response, nutria herbivory, and vegetation recovery of an assimilation wetland in coastal Louisiana
GP Shaffer, JW Day, RG Hunter, RR Lane, CJ Lundberg, WB Wood, ...
Ecol. Engin 79, 120-131, 2015
Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data for coastal areas from Texas through Alabama, 2013-2015: US Geological Survey data release
M La Peyre, K DeMarco, ER Hillmann
Brackish marsh zones as a waterfowl habitat resource in submerged aquatic vegetation beds in the northern Gulf of Mexico
KE DeMarco, ER Hillmann, MG Brasher, M La Peyre
Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agents 3, 261-269, 2016
Analysis of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Resources across the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Communities and Biomass
ER Hillmann
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2018
Potential occurrence of natural swamp regeneration on the Maurepas Land Bridge, Southeast Louisiana
T Henkel, E Hillmann, K Butcher, D Baker, J Lopez
Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, 24, 2017
Identifying and filling critical knowledge gaps can optimize financial viability of blue carbon projects in tidal wetlands
TJB Carruthers, SB Jones, MK Terrell, JF Scheibly, BJ Player, VA Black, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 12, 1421850, 2024
Swamp Reforestation in Coastal Louisiana, USA Exposes Landscape Scale Differences in Survival and Growth Across Two Hydrologically Restored Regions
ER Hillmann, DA Baker, SG Barrett, KA Butcher, TK Henkel, JA Lopez
Ecological Restoration 42 (3), 205-219, 2024
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Articles 1–20