Giacomo Bianchi
Giacomo Bianchi
senior researcher, Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced
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Towards virtual engineering in machine tool design
G Bianchi, F Paolucci, P Van den Braembussche, H Van Brussel, ...
CIRP annals 45 (1), 381-384, 1996
An integrated methodology for the design of parallel kinematic machines (PKM)
LM Tosatti, G Bianchi, I Fassi, CR Boer, F Jovane
CIRP annals 47 (1), 341-345, 1998
The effects of dynamic interaction between machine tool subsystems on cutting process stability
P Albertelli, N Cau, G Bianchi, M Monno
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 58 (9), 923-932, 2012
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic
A Abba, C Accorsi, P Agnes, E Alessi, P Amaudruz, A Annovi, ...
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
A time-domain surface grinding model for dynamic simulation
M Leonesio, P Parenti, A Cassinari, G Bianchi, M Monno
Procedia Cirp 4, 166-171, 2012
Minimization of the energy consumption in motion planning for single-robot tasks
S Pellegrinelli, S Borgia, N Pedrocchi, E Villagrossi, G Bianchi, LM Tosatti
Procedia Cirp 29, 354-359, 2015
Spindle speed variation in turning: technological effectiveness and applicability to real industrial cases
P Albertelli, S Musletti, M Leonesio, G Bianchi, M Monno
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 62 (1), 59-67, 2012
Mechanical ventilator milano (MVM): A novel mechanical ventilator designed for mass scale production in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
C Galbiati, A Abba, P Agnes, P Amaudruz, M Arba, F Ardellier-Desages, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10405, 2020
Machine tools mechatronic analysis
R Maj, F Modica, G Bianchi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2006
Vibration analysis of robotic milling tasks
M Leonesio, E Villagrossi, M Beschi, A Marini, G Bianchi, N Pedrocchi, ...
Procedia Cirp 67, 262-267, 2018
Self-locking analysis in closed kinematic chains
M Leonesio, G Bianchi
Mechanism and Machine Theory 44 (11), 2038-2052, 2009
Analysis of vibration damping in machine tools
G Bianchi, S Cagna, N Cau, F Paolucci
Procedia CIRP 21, 367-372, 2014
A general approach for self-locking analysis in closed kinematic chains
M Leonesio, G Bianchi, P Manara
Proceedings of the 12th world congress in mechanism and machine theory, 141-147, 2007
A renal abnormality in the Milan hypertensive strain of rats and in humans predisposed to essential hypertension.
G Bianchi, P Ferrari, P Salvati, S Salardi, P Parenti, D Cusi, E Guidi
Journal of hypertension. Supplement: Official Journal of the International …, 1986
A simulation approach for predicting energy use during general milling operations
S Borgia, P Albertelli, G Bianchi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 90, 3187-3201, 2017
A reduced model for energy consumption analysis in milling
S Borgia, S Pellegrinelli, G Bianchi, M Leonesio
Procedia CIRP 17, 529-534, 2014
Mechatronic analysis of machine tools
R Maj, G Bianchi
9th SAMTECH Users Conference, 2-3, 2005
Integrated energy analysis of cutting process and spindle subsystem in a turning machine
J Wójcicki, M Leonesio, G Bianchi
Journal of Cleaner Production 170, 1459-1472, 2018
Model-based adaptive process control for surface finish improvement in traverse grinding
P Parenti, M Leonesio, G Bianchi
Mechatronics 36, 97-111, 2016
Roundness prediction in centreless grinding using physics-enhanced machine learning techniques
H Safarzadeh, M Leonesio, G Bianchi, M Monno
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112, 1051-1063, 2021
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Articles 1–20