Clifton Farnsworth
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Cited by
Application, advantages, and methods associated with using BIM in commercial construction
CB Farnsworth, S Beveridge, KR Miller, JP Christofferson
International Journal of Construction Education and Research 11 (3), 218-236, 2015
Rapid construction and settlement behavior of embankment systems on soft foundation soils
CB Farnsworth, SF Bartlett, D Negussey, AW Stuedlein
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 134 (3), 289-301, 2008
Effects of CM/GC project delivery on managing process risk in transportation construction
CB Farnsworth, RO Warr, JE Weidman, D Mark Hutchings
Journal of construction engineering and management 142 (3), 04015091, 2016
Use of personality profile assessments in the US commercial construction industry
BR Childs, JE Weidman, CB Farnsworth, JP Christofferson
International Journal of Construction Education and Research 13 (4), 267-283, 2017
Strategies employed and lessons learned by commercial construction companies during economic recession and recovery
EM Danforth, JE Weidman, CB Farnsworth
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 143 (7), 04017027, 2017
Design and evaluation of expanded polystyrene geofoam embankments for the I-15 reconstruction project, Salt Lake City, Utah.
S Bartlett, EC Lawton, CB Farnsworth, MP Newman
University of Utah. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2012
Performance of a geofoam embankment at 100 South, I-15 reconstruction project, Salt Lake City, Utah
D Negussey, A Stuedlein, S Bartlett, C Farnsworth
Proceedings on 3rd international conference on EPS Geofoam, 2001
Performance of lime cement-stabilized soils for the I-15 reconstruction project: Salt Lake City, Utah
S Bartlett, C Farnsworth
Transportation research record 1808 (1), 58-66, 2002
Interface management on megaprojects: A case study
C Daniels, CB Farnsworth, J Weidman
50th ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings. Associated Schools of …, 2014
Considerations for creating library learning spaces within a hierarchy of learning space attributes
DL Christoffersen, CB Farnsworth, ED Bingham, JP Smith
The journal of academic Librarianship 47 (6), 102458, 2021
Instrumentation and long-term monitoring of geofoam embankments, I-15 reconstruction project, Salt Lake City, Utah
SF Bartlett, C Farnsworth, D Negussey, AW Stuedlein
Proc., 3rd Int. EPS Geofoam Conf, 2001
Estimation of time rate of settlement for multilayered clays undergoing radial drainage
CB Farnsworth, SF Bartlett, EC Lawton
Transportation research record 2363 (1), 3-11, 2013
Monitoring and modeling of innovative foundation treatment and embankment construction used on the I-15 reconstruction project, project management plan and instrument …
SF Bartlett, CB Farnsworth
Research Rep, 2004
Construction and long-term performance of transportation infrastructure constructed using EPS geofoam on soft soil sites in Salt lake valley, Utah
S Bartlett, D Negussey, C Farnsworth, A Stuedlein
EPS, 2011
Construction and post-construction settlement performance of innovative embankment systems, I-15 reconstruction project, Salt Lake City, Utah
CF Farnsworth, SF Bartlett, D Negussey, A Stuedlein
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 134, 289-301, 2008
Evidence-Based Design in Hospital Renovation Projects: Design Implementation for Patient Privacy and Comfort
E Bingham, D Whitaker, C Farnsworth, J Smith
Journal of Architectural Engineering 28 (2), 04022002, 2022
Integrating Industry BIM Practices into University Curriculum
KR Miller, CB Farnsworth, JE Weidman
ASEE National Conference, 2013
Evaluation of methods for determining horizontal drainage properties of soft clayey soils
CB Farnsworth, SF Bartlett
Utah Department of Transportation, Research Report No. UT-08.11, Salt Lake …, 2008
From Three-Pillars to Three-Environments: Shifting the Paradigm of Sustainability in Civil and Construction Engineering
X Wang, A South, C Farnsworth, B Hashimoto
Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 100748, 2024
Rebalancing Civil Engineering Education to Address Social Aspects of Sustainability
X Wang, AJ South, WS Guthrie, C Farnsworth
2022 Intermountain Engineering, Technology and Computing (IETC), 1-6, 2022
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Articles 1–20