Hans Super
Hans Super
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Feedforward, horizontal, and feedback processing in the visual cortex
VAF Lamme, H Super, H Spekreijse
Current opinion in neurobiology 8 (4), 529-535, 1998
Two distinct modes of sensory processing observed in monkey primary visual cortex (V1)
H Supèr, H Spekreijse, VAF Lamme
Nature neuroscience 4 (3), 304-310, 2001
A neural correlate of working memory in the monkey primary visual cortex
H Super, H Spekreijse, VAF Lamme
Science 293 (5527), 120-124, 2001
The role of primary visual cortex (V1) in visual awareness
VAF Lamme, H Supèr, R Landman, PR Roelfsema, H Spekreijse
Vision research 40 (10-12), 1507-1521, 2000
The functions of the preplate in development and evolution of the neocortex and hippocampus
H Super, E Soriano, HBM Uylings
Brain Research Reviews 27 (1), 40-64, 1998
The organization of the embronic and early postnatal murine hippocampus. II. Development of entorhinal, commissural, and septal connections studied with the lipophilic tracer DiI
H Supèr, E Soriano
Journal of Comparative Neurology 344 (1), 101-120, 1994
Distinct roles of the cortical layers of area V1 in figure-ground segregation
MW Self, T van Kerkoerle, H Supèr, PR Roelfsema
Current biology 23 (21), 2121-2129, 2013
Chronic multiunit recordings in behaving animals: advantages and limitations
H Super, PR Roelfsema
Progress in brain research 147, 263-282, 2005
Different glutamate receptors convey feedforward and recurrent processing in macaque V1
MW Self, RN Kooijmans, H Supèr, VA Lamme, PR Roelfsema
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (27), 11031-11036, 2012
Involvement of distinct pioneer neurons in the formation of layer-specific connections in the hippocampus
H Super, A Martınez, JA Del Rıo, E Soriano
Journal of Neuroscience 18 (12), 4616-4626, 1998
Organization of the embryonic and early postnatal murine hippocampus. I. Immunocytochemical characterization of neuronal populations in the subplate and marginal zone
E Soriano, JA Del Río, A Martínez, H Supèr
Journal of Comparative Neurology 342 (4), 571-595, 1994
Internal state of monkey primary visual cortex (V1) predicts figure–ground perception
H Super, C van der Togt, H Spekreijse, VAF Lamme
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (8), 3407-3414, 2003
Disruption of neuronal migration and radial glia in the developing cerebral cortex following ablation of Cajal–Retzius cells
H Supèr, JA Del Río, A Martínez, P Pérez-Sust, E Soriano
Cerebral Cortex 10 (6), 602-613, 2000
The early development of thalamocortical and corticothalamic projections in the mouse
C Auladell, P Pérez-Sust, H Supèr, E Soriano
Anatomy and embryology 201, 169-179, 2000
Differential survival of Cajal–Retzius cells in organotypic cultures of hippocampus and neocortex
JA Del Río, B Heimrich, H Super, V Borrell, M Frotscher, E Soriano
The Journal of neuroscience 16 (21), 6896, 1996
The early differentiation of the neocortex: a hypothesis on neocortical evolution
H Super, HBM Uylings
Cerebral Cortex 11 (12), 1101-1109, 2001
Correspondence of presaccadic activity in the monkey primary visual cortex with saccadic eye movements
H Super, C van der Togt, H Spekreijse, VAF Lamme
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (9), 3230-3235, 2004
Synchrony dynamics in monkey V1 predict success in visual detection
C van der Togt, S Kalitzin, H Spekreijse, VAF Lamme, H Supèr
Cerebral Cortex 16 (1), 136-148, 2006
Altered figure-ground perception in monkeys with an extra-striate lesion
H Super, VAF Lamme
Neuropsychologia 45 (14), 3329-3334, 2007
Novel interactive eye-tracking game for training attention in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
A García-Baos, D Tomas, I Oliveira, P Collins, C Echevarria, LP Zapata, ...
The primary care companion for CNS disorders 21 (4), 26348, 2019
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