Debarun Bhattacharjya
Debarun Bhattacharjya
Researcher, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
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Value of information in the earth sciences: Integrating spatial modeling and decision analysis
J Eidsvik, T Mukerji, D Bhattacharjya
Cambridge University Press, 2015
Track geometry defect rectification based on track deterioration modelling and derailment risk assessment
Q He, H Li, D Bhattacharjya, DP Parikh, A Hampapur
Journal of the Operational Research Society 66 (3), 392-404, 2015
The value of information in spatial decision making
D Bhattacharjya, J Eidsvik, T Mukerji
Mathematical Geosciences 42, 141-163, 2010
Answering Binary Causal Questions Through Large-Scale Text Mining: An Evaluation Using Cause-Effect Pairs from Human Experts.
O Hassanzadeh, D Bhattacharjya, M Feblowitz, K Srinivas, M Perrone, ...
IJCAI, 5003-5009, 2019
Proximal graphical event models
D Bhattacharjya, D Subramanian, T Gao
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, 2018
Value of information of seismic amplitude and CSEM resistivity
J Eidsvik, D Bhattacharjya, T Mukerji
Geophysics 73 (4), R59-R69, 2008
A big data approach to computational creativity: The curious case of Chef Watson
LR Varshney, F Pinel, KR Varshney, D Bhattacharjya, A Schörgendorfer, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 63 (1), 7: 1-7: 18, 2019
A big data approach to computational creativity
LR Varshney, F Pinel, KR Varshney, D Bhattacharjya, A Schörgendorfer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.1213, 2013
System and method for distributed elicitation and aggregation of risk information
D Bhattacharjya, LA Deleris, A Elisseeff, S Kapoor, E Pratsini, BK Ray, ...
US Patent App. 12/640,082, 2011
Evaluating influence diagrams with decision circuits
D Bhattacharjya, RD Shachter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.5257, 2012
A culinary computational creativity system
F Pinel, LR Varshney, D Bhattacharjya
Computational creativity research: Towards creative machines, 327-346, 2014
How can economic schemes curtail the increasing sex ratio at birth in China?
D Bhattacharjya, A Sudarshan, S Tuljapurkar, R Shachter, M Feldman
Demographic research 19 (54), 1831, 2008
The value of information in portfolio problems with dependent projects
D Bhattacharjya, J Eidsvik, T Mukerji
Decision Analysis 10 (4), 341-351, 2013
Event-driven continuous time bayesian networks
D Bhattacharjya, K Shanmugam, T Gao, N Mattei, K Varshney, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (04), 3259-3266, 2020
Sensitivity analysis in decision circuits
D Bhattacharjya, RD Shachter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.3551, 2012
Causal knowledge extraction through large-scale text mining
O Hassanzadeh, D Bhattacharjya, M Feblowitz, K Srinivas, M Perrone, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (09), 13610 …, 2020
Dynamic programming in influence diagrams with decision circuits
RD Shachter, D Bhattacharjya
Proceedings of the twentysixth conference on Uncertainty in Artificial …, 2010
Railway track geometry defect modeling for predicting deterioration, derailment risk, and optimal repair
D Bhattacharjya, A Hampapur, Q He, H Li, DP Parikh
US Patent 9,744,978, 2017
Solving influence diagrams: Exact algorithms
RD Shachter, D Bhattacharjya
Wiley encyclopedia of operations research and management science. Wiley, New …, 2010
Sequential information gathering schemes for spatial risk and decision analysis applications
J Eidsvik, G Martinelli, D Bhattacharjya
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 32, 1163-1177, 2018
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Articles 1–20